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I had just left the charms classroom with my Ravenclaw friend besides me when I was pulled aside into an empty classroom by George and Lee.

"What the- George? Lee? What are you guys doing?" I asked confusedly.

"We need to tell you something y/n." said George. I looked over at Lee and he held a look of pity.

"Are you okay? What happened?"

"Look Fred's my brother and all but something aren't meant to be kept as a secret. And I love you cause you're my best friend y/n so I need to tell you." he said.

"Correction. We love ya' cause you're our best friend so we need to tell ya'." said Lee in attempt to make us laugh but I was far too confused and worried to laugh.

"Wait, did you say Fred?" I asked as I felt my stomach begin to churn. "Well go on. Spit it out."

"Fred...cheated." said George.

My heart dropped and my mouth parted slightly in surprise. It couldn't be....could it. My eyes began to water and I swallowed hard in attempts to speak but I found it difficult to.

"You're joking, right?" I asked with a small chuckle. "Is this a prank or something?"

"It's not. We're sorry y/n." said Lee.

"I know it wasn't our place to tell you but Fred wasn't planning on telling you." explained George.

"He wasn't gonna tell ya' at all." added Lee. "And we couldn't just let that go."

"Who was it?"

"Who was what?" asked George.

"Who did he cheat on me with?" I asked and they shared a knowing look. "It was her...wasn't it?"

They both nodded and a few tears began to roll down my cheeks. Of course it was her. The way he had been looking at her differently the past few weeks. They way he had begun to loose concentration when I would be talking because he would look at her. The way his body would stiffen when she walked in the room or looked at him and smiled. The way he would be looking at her when I would turn to look at him. Then there was me. The way I would be talking to him but in reality, I was just talking to a wall. The way I would look at him so fondly but it wasn't me he was looking at like that. The way my smile dropped when I felt his body shift when she walked in the room. The way we were both noticing a change in emotions.

"y/n we-" started George but I cut him off.

"Mhm. Thank you for telling me, but- but i've got to go." I said as I began to back away towards the door.

They reached out for me but I slipped away and out the door. The halls were cleared off now which meant I was late to class, but I didn't care. The only thing that was going through my mind was the clear fact that Fred cheated. I made my way to Potions with tears racing down my cheeks. I stood outside the classroom for a bit as I wiped away my tears, and then I walked in. As soon as I walked in I looked at Fred who's smile dropped and turned to worry when he saw my face. The only emotions on my face towards him were disbelief and sadness.

"You're late Miss y/l/n." said Snape in his monotone voice.

"Sorry professor." I said as I made my way to my seat.

Fred Weasley One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now