10: October

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She was right; the day after the game night really did suck. By the time she'd managed to roll out of bed some time during the afternoon, her stomach had still been rolling badly and her teeth and tongue felt furry and gross. The one good point that she could see was that she had managed not to throw up yet, but that was about the only saving grace.

She spent the rest of the day with her face pressed into the sofa cushions with all the windows open, curtains closed, and wishing that she had some of sugary pastries to take the edge off her hunger. Every now and again, when she had the energy, she got up to move one of the armchairs back to where they should be, and then collapsed back down to the sofa, feeling sick.

What was worse, though, was that the time passed slowly. Every time she looked over at the clock on her wall, it only seemed to move mere minutes at a time. Aside from the fact that the longer time went, the better her hangover would get, the more pressing reason she wanted time to move faster was that she desperately needed to hear what Irene had to say.

Hope thudded in her heart after the night before. She was sure that Irene had been close to kissing her while they were playing Twister, although that wouldn't have been the time she'd have picked to have their first kiss, if that's what it was going to be. She'd imagined more... romance, than that. Or at least to not have an audience that consisted partly of her sister. But then again, they had both been drunk, and if Irene did want to kiss her, she wouldn't deny her wherever she was going to do it.

Some time on Saturday afternoon, she wrung her hands in her lap before turning her cell on from where it had been charging all morning. She'd forgotten to plug it in after falling drunkenly into bed, and it had died overnight. A wave of messages from Chaeyoung and Jisoo appeared on her screen.

Chaeyoung: How much did Irene drink?! She's gonna be feeling this in the morning. As soon as the cold air hit her, she was gone

Jisoo: Your girl's asleep on the back seat of the cab and snoring loudly

Chaeyoung: I want Chinese food

Chaeyoung: That was meant for Jisoo

Chaeyoung: Why did I text her when she's right here anyway?

Chaeyoung: Thank duck for autocorrect because otherwise all these messages would be gibberish

Chaeyoung: Duck

Chaeyoung: Duck

Chaeyoung: DUCK

Chaeyoung: For duck's sake I cannot

Jisoo: I feel like the only sober one out of all of you. Whatever scotch Irene brought was seriously strong

Jisoo: Hi Lisa, just letting you know I've tipped Irene into bed and taken her shoes off, put a bowl on the floor next to her, made her drink loads of water, and left water and some medicine on her nightstand

Jisoo: It took us five tries to get through her front door. The security in this place is mental

Jisoo: I can't believe I've seen the most powerful woman in Seoul tell her doorframe off for getting in her way

Jisoo: She just asked for you and looked seriously sad when I told her you weren't here by the way

Chaeyoung: I hope you're not dead

Lisa stared at her phone for a moment, unsure of what to make of everything. Jisoo's casual use of your girl though, made her heart skip a beat. My girl. How she wished Irene was exactly that.

Until Next New Year // LisreneWhere stories live. Discover now