🤍One-Shot #3 pt.2//Agent M.0🤍

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Michelle appeared Haidyn to a ordinary-looking home, seeming to be in perfect condition, "where are we, master..?" Haidyn asked Michelle, in her monotone voice-tone, Michelle just sinisterly smiled, she tilted Haidyn's chin up, "no need to worry, dear.. for now, just rest.." Michelle calmly told Haidyn, sitting her down on a chair.


The Adventures, CJ, Stormi, and Amora were all running to find Haidyn, "doesn't Michelle sometimes disappear?!" Leo yelled, getting everyone's attention, then Melody looked up at Stormi, "can't you just disappear and track Haidyn's location?!" Melody asked Stormi, with a hint of relief in her voice, hoping for justice, "I can!" Stormi exclaimed, in a confident tone, she grabbed both CJ and Amora's hands and ran off behind a tree then disappear.

"Hey.. SHE DIDN'T EVEN TAKE US WITH THEM!" Jace yelled, now panicked, Arron put his arms around Jace, "it's okay, little grape.. they will rescue Haidyn.." Arron comforted Jace, who just smiled warmly at him, then hugged back.


The trio all appeared of Michelle and Haidyn's location, they all eye-widened to see Michelle with Haidyn, talking to Haidyn about The Targets, reasons why you should never trust them, etc, "HAIDYN!" CJ, Amora, and Stormi all yelled, shocked, Michelle turned around, giving an emotionless but kinda sinister look, "oh look who it is.. isn't it the YouTubers.." Michelle said, now sinisterly smiling at them, Amora's face was heated a little with anger, "GET AWAY FROM HER!" Amora began yelling, furiously, kicking Michelle away from Haidyn, then grabbed a hold of Haidyn, walking over to their friends, "LET GO OF ME!" 💢 Haidyn furiously screamed, moving a lot, kicking and screaming, demanding Amora to release her, but Amora wouldn't and kept tightly restraining Haidyn.

"Haidyn, you have to understand that Michelle is mind controlling you!" Stormi told Haidyn, with a warned, but worried look, "Haidyn..?" Haidyn started to softly speak, then started giggling, then that giggling turned into maniacal cackling, "I don't remember Haidyn in my head.. the only person I remember is.. AGENT ADVENTURE!" Haidyn snapped, her smile now widened, she gave Amora a kick so she can release her, but Amora still restrained Haidyn. As the words "Agent Adventure" came through CJ's head, she eye-widened then she looked at Stormi with a serious look, "Stormi, I think your correct of Michelle secretly working for one of the evil organisations!" CJ yelled, Stormi them turned to glare over to Michelle, "and, it seems like you work for The Agents aren't you?!" Stormi exclaimed, sending a nasty glare to Michelle.

Michelle kept quiet at the news she received, she just sinisterly chuckled, with a small, evil smile, "I can say you can call me Agent M.0.. I've been stalking Haidyn ever since she moved to Las Vegas.. and I instantly it obsessed with her.." Michelle truthfully told the girls, they all we're horrified of what they heard from the black-haired girl's mouth, "your.. YOUR A MONSTER!" CJ yelled, both disgusted and terrified of what she heard from Michelle, she kicked her hard in the stomach, Michelle lay down on the ground, she didn't look to be too much in pain, she gave an emotionless look.

Stormi just sighed before speaking, "let's just go you guys.." Stormi calmly told her friends, as they were about to leave, Michelle grabbed tight of Stormi, "your not going anywhere, YouTuber.." Michelle sinisterly said, Stormi was struggling to release herself from Michelle, then a snap came in, Michelle threw Stormi onto the ground, who began to cry in pain, "MY WRIST! SHE BROKE MY WRIST!" >💧_💧< Stormi cried, holding her injured wrist, all the girls gasped at the sight of Stormi, Michelle didn't have a sense of guilt or regret in her face, she just sinisterly chuckled, she ran off and disappear.

Stormi slowly got up, walking over to the girls, "my master sure is strong.." Haidyn whispered, still hypnotised, "she's still hypnotised?!" CJ yelled, shocked by this, Amora then eye-widened at Haidyn "what's wrong Amora?" Stormi asked Amora, in concern, "Haidyn.. where is your necklace?!" Amora frantically asked Haidyn, who gave a frown at Amora's question, Stormi checked Haidyn's pockets, then brought Haidyn's necklace out and put it around Haidyn's neck, the spiralled-pupils disappeared, replacing with Haidyn's normal pupils, she had a look of horror and began screaming, "W-WHAT WAS I DOING?! WHAT DID SHE DO TO ME?!" Haidyn yelled, sounding frightened, CJ pulled Haidyn into a hug, softly comforting her.

Stormi then looked at Haidyn in the eyes, with a serious but also worried look, "Haidyn.. I think your aware of this.. but, Michelle is an agent, but even more worrying is that she might be one of Agenr L's relatives.. this is bad news for all the YouTubers, especially you.." Stormi calmly but worryingly explained to Haidyn, who was now sobbing in Amora's arms, "I KNOW! WHY DID I TRUST HER?! I YELLED AT ALL OF MY FRIENDS BECAUSE I TRUSTED HER!" 😭 Haidyn screamed, sobbing rather loudly, "Haidyn, I forgive you.. but, we need to warn the others about who Michelle really is.." Stormi told her, in a serious voice-tone, Haidyn then spotted the sight of Stormi holding her fractured wrist, "w-we should probably need to bandage up your wrist, Storm.." Haidyn quietly reminded Stormi, who just gave a dashing smile, "Michelle didn't actually break my wrist.. I was just acting" -w-✨ Stormi proudly told the girls, who had admired looks of who Stormi acted back there.

"That was amazing acting.." :0✨ Haidyn commented, Stormi just laughed, all the girls then left the area, and went back to their homes.


Spy Ninjas/YouTubers/Evil Hacker organisations one-shots, images, etc (Book 10)Where stories live. Discover now