Chapter 10

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Since this story is loosely-based on the plot of Tokyo Ghoul, stuff in this chapter is original and part of my story line. Do not assume all the stuff I'm throwing in your face in this chapter is really from the anime/manga and that I'm plagiarizing. Arigato. ^^

"Well? I'm waiting." Ayato scowled, tapping his foot impatiently and crossing his arms. Eto merely smirked deviously beneath her bandages.

"Oh? Looks like the effects of Naomi's powers are taking place much earlier than we expected. I wonder why..."

"Get to the point, Eto." He snapped. The bandaged ghoul giggled. Tatara took out a file from one of the drawers and threw it onto the table. He left shortly after that. The file was labeled, Ghoul Self-Mutation Project: Rc Cells.

His eyes widened at the long list of names and the information that was provided. As he continued to read, Eto began to explain.

"Back then in a foreign country, there was an illegal human organization that was absolutely obsessed with ghouls. Instead of exterminating them, as the CCG do, they decided to study and experiment on us. This is the Ghoul Self-Mutation Project: Rc Cells. Scientists used drugs to alter the genetic code of a ghoul's Rc cells. Many ghouls died, of course, but some began to show signs of immunity to the drugs." She paused, letting the hint sink in.

"One of those surviving ghouls was Naomi Haruka's ancestor. He, and the others, gained new abilities of Rc cell self-mutation, able to mutate at will to gain powers of an extent even beyond those with a kakuja. The mutation is solely responsible for the generation of electric-like substance. It's as if the cells turn into complete monsters. The gene for this ability has been safely passed from generation to generation, each time properly controlled......until now."

"Then, the aftereffects you mentioned, they aren't serious right? I mean, all it was was hunger and temporary loss of conscious control, just like a kakuja."

"It's more than the effects of being a kakuja. Yes, the user is submitted hunger, but it's not a powerful craving for flesh nor cannibalism. As I told you, it's as if the mutated cells have a mind of their own-monsters that want to consume the most Rc cells as possible after one use, nothing more. The ultimatum for this strength is to constantly consume kagunes and the kakuhou- the direct sources."

Eto was dead serious for once, staring Ayato right in the eye.

"That's how Naomi's ancestor died from this curse-his refusal to targeting fellow ghouls for their supply of Rc cells. As the days went by, his body began to crumble-starting with his kagune(s). Those powdery grains left behind every time on a battlefield belonged to him; remains of his dying Rc cells." The bluette's eyes widened in alarm.

"At this rate, Naomi will die." She waved him off in a carefree manner.

"Yes, yes, Ayato. All in due time. Her Rc cells are slowly dying as we speak, since you and Kaneki prevented her from eating the quinques from your mission."

"Eto..." He growled.

"I suggest you go and check on her right now, Mr. Kirishima." She cocked her head sharply. He stalked out of the room in utter frustration. Eto traced Naomi's name on the file, corners of her mouth pulled into a smile.

"After all, Naomi-chan, you could die at any moment..........We can't have that until our plan is complete.....Now can we?"


Naomi hurt. Everywhere. Every inch of her body stung if she even twitched. Every second that passed, she found it even harder to breathe. Her body felt like it was collapsing, inside and out, even if she looked absolutely fine. The headache she had was killing her. Just great.

She groaned as a sharp pain rattled her brain. Her temperature had sudden drops and rises too. One minute she was burning, the next she felt like a ghoul popsicle.

What happened? She wondered. Images flashed rapidly in her mind. Her mind had suddenly gone blank, filled with an endless hunger for kagunes. Naomi remembered Kaneki knocking her unconscious.....after attacking Ayato.

She cried out as a sharp pain jolted through her body. Her breath came out in heavy, uneven pants and she crawled off the mattress, crashing onto the floor in a heap of limbs. Tears formed in her eyes, obscuring her vision.

Through blurred vision, Naomi saw the door swing open, the light from the hallway blinding her. Strong arms wrapped around her and pulled her into a warm embrace. She looked up, and her eyes widened as they met azure orbs.


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