𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐦𝐞𝐭 [Males]2

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~You're a new teacher in Morinomiya Academe.

-You're shy and also sensitive, but sweet and kind.

"G-good Morning chairwoman-"

"Your one minute late!" The chairwoman Youko shouted at the girl who flinched.

"I-I'm sorry Madame chair woman I-"

"Nonsense! You should be responsible on being punctual. You are a teacher and you should be a good model to your students!"

"Right...please forgive me.." The girl pleased the chairwoman with teary eyes and little sobbing heard.

"Hmmpp! I forgive you. Saikawa bring her to her class"

"Yes Madame" The secretary bring the girl outside the chairwoman's office. The blond stop his tracks and lend something to the girl.

"Here" The blond give the girl a handkerchief which made the girl looked up to him revealing puffy-red-eyes. The girl thought her accompany didn't notice her crying but little sobs are still heard.

"T-hank y-you " The girl thank him between sobs catching her breath.

"Don't cry. Every beginners have flaws, even I myself gets shouted at the first try so think about happy and positive things." The blond tried to comfort her with her normal face and her monotone voice. The girl only cried louder which made the blond confuse. The girl then mutters unicorns, rainbows, cupcakes, pink cotton candies between sobs which made the blond more confuse. He then patted the girl's back awkwardly.

"T-thank you it works" The girl smiled wiping her cheeks with the blond's handkerchief.

"hm? what works?"

"You said think about happy and positive things so I thought about it" The girl said smiling shyly

"Oh it's not really-"

"D-did I mutter it out loud?!"



-You are a gamer with a high technology skills.

-You're also his childhood friend and this is the flashback when you were just kids.

"Nezu-kun! Nezu-kun! Did you heard about the new game?" A small petite girl catch up to her best friend.

"Yes, and I think it's cool..."The boy respond.

"Yes I think it's so cool too! I want to play it but- yeah I'm broke..." The girl sigh in sadness knowing that she can't play the game with her friend. Both of them are broke so they can't play it. Their friend Yagi offer the ravenette to give him one but he refuse. The boy go an idea and told her friend.

"How about we make our own...we have big brains and you got high intellect in technologies." the boy suggested making the girl smile.

"Hehe thanks your overestimating me." The girl replied scratching her nape with a close eyes.

"It's true though" The boy muttered unheard by is friend.

"Okay! You're right let's make our own! Game?"




- You're a invisible student or unnoticed student and you like it.

-Your have a weird obsession of blood.


You're walking through nowhere unnoticed until you notice a blond staring at the daycare room with lustful eyes.

'What the-'

"Umm... what're you doing?" You asked making the blond looked back and notice your presence.

"Um... I'm just checking at the kids if they're fine" The blond boy said smiling charmingly which gave no effect to the girl.

"No...your looking at them like a maniac" The girl replied sweat-dropping making the boy nervous.

"I'm actually hiding from my fangirls" He said loosing his charm a little bit.

"If you're hiding you shouldn't be be in a large space with no corners to hide"

"I-I mean...Don't you recognize me?" The blond asked her making the girl's eyebrow twitch 'of course creepy maniacs wont admit they are one'

"No, and your changing the subject." The girl said

"F-fine. I'm looking at my paradise." He said looking back at his 'paradise' and nose bleeding.

"H-hey your nose is bleeding...oh...no" You lend him your handkerchief and he wipe his nose in it.

"Thank you-What the" He just saw you drooling at the blood and you became a stone when he saw it.

"It's not what you think it is!" You shouted making the brunette inside the daycare room wonder. 'What was that noise'

"Oh, you're a vampire?" The blond tilted his head which is responded by a run.

"I don't also know who she is but I think she also have a weird obsession" The boy mutter looking at the running girl.


𝐆𝐀𝐊𝐔𝐄𝐍 𝐁𝐀𝐁𝐘𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒: ScenariosWhere stories live. Discover now