Chapter 1

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Fuji's beer and liquor was on the opposite end of your street, making it only a quarter mile away. I'm not that far now, you think to yourself as you had a couple minutes to spare. To be fair it wasn't far to begin with.

Fuji's Beer and Liquor was located on a street with many run down and abandoned buildings, a couple of similar stores, and some affordable apartment buildings (such like yours). The store was one of the nicer buildings with warm lights and a neon sign outside, and it was on the end of the street which then opened to a plaza with many modern buildings, nicer apartments, new stores, and more.

The current owner is short, tanned, balding man with white hairs on the side of his head by the name of Yamamoto Fuji II. His father being the previous owner decades ago. He gets along with you and your best friend, Jiro, pretty well. More so with your best friend since he grew up on the street next over which were in the same condition.

As you were nearing the door, you saw a red car across the street, the engine still running. It looked incredibly suspicious but you don't pay it no mind. Not my business, ignore unless they bring it into the store. You walk in the store, chiming the bell above the door, only see a young man a bit shorter than you with neatly cropped hair working the register, Jiro. "Hey, (Y/N). On time as always." He says not looking up from the magazine he's reading. At first glance he seems uninterested but he's glad you came to work.

"Evening, Jiro. I am a little later than usual." You respond.

"Yeah... you're here usually earlier." He says suprised. "Anything held you up?" He asked with curiosity.

"Slept in a bit is all. Had a weird dream which did ruined my nap, but it was nothing." You said to ease his mind. You then look around, squinting your eyes. "Hey, is anyone else here by the way?" You ask Jiro.

"Mr. Fuji is taking care of his wife but he should be back tomorrow. Only other person here is Haruto in the back." He responded, pointing at the door with malice on his face.

"Damn, that delinquent is always late and he barely does anything. He's nothing more but a dope dealer." You say with disappointment. "I don't mean to question his choice, but why does Fuji keep him around?" You ask with sincerity.

"I don't know, (Y/N). Maybe potential? Or keep him off the street as much as he can? Set him on the right path?" Jiro says. "Mr.Yamamoto is a bit naive."

"Well being hopeful and naive are two different things, and besides that's one of his better traits." You say gleefully, showing admiration towards the man. "Anyways, I'm gonna start my shift now. I'll go restock the shelves in the aisles."

"Alright, I'll carry on with the taking care of the register, people are bound to come in soon." Jiro said.

As you walked away you walked towards the door that led to "the back" which really only meant the room behind the market's refrigerators to restock the drinks. For some reason and you don't know why, but Mr.Fuji like to keep his office in the cool room. There's also a giant garage door in there which allows shipments to be brought in from the back alley.

Before you opened the door, Jiro then yelled, "Hey yo don't go to the back!"

"Why not?" You asked but it was already too late. When you opened the door, in front of you were two naked bodies: one woman and one man sitting in a chair. The woman, no taller than 5'2 gasped, average frame, and waste length black hair with green highlights, grabbed clothing and pressed it to her body to cover herself. The man who around 5'7 with scraggly facial hair, mid-fade, and medium build, covered his junk with his hand; the man was Haruto.

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