Chapter 1

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"Hey Toby! Want to come to come to Brock Baker's party? He said I could bring someone", Jack asks me over the phone call. "Are you not taking Erin?", I ask. "Nah, she's not feeling so great." He replies. "Wow, great boyfriend you are!", I laugh. Jack continues, "Haha, but she said she's well enough to take care of herself and she's just gonna take a nap. It's only a little cold." I then agree to join him and we hang up. Now I just have to upload today's Happy Wheels episode and get ready. After typing in the title and pasting the description into the box, I hit upload. An hour and a half upload time left. That's not too bad. I walk into my bedroom and pull a jacket out from my closet. I slip it on and scruff up my hair with my hands. I then put my red converse on. They're actually crocs, but no one needs to know that. I then grab my phone off the coffee table and pull up iMessage. I text Jack saying that he can pick me up whenever he's ready. He replies with "k im on my way". I turn my phone off and slide it into my back pocket. I then pull it back out because I want to know what time it is and I don't feel like walking into the other room to check the clock. 7:48 PM. I turn my phone back off and put it back in my pocket. I walk over to my dog, Gryphon, and tell him I'll be back in a few hours. I then make sure there's some dry food and water in Gryph's bowl, and walk out the door, closing and locking it behind me. I hear faint barks from inside but it stops after a few seconds. I sit down on my swingy bench on my porch and wait for Jack to arrive.
Jack opens the door to a house filled with loud music, bright colors, and lots of people. It reminds me of back when I was in high school and went to all these crazy parties. Aaaah the memories. We step in and look around for Brock. After a few minutes, we find him in the kitchen. "Hey! Haven't seen you in a while!" I say to him, loud enough so he could hear me over the loud music. "Hey man, what's up!?" He asks, as we shake hands. "There's food and drinks over there if you want anything." He tells us as he points into a room across the hall. "Alright!" I exclaim. Jack and I then walk around saying hi to everyone we know.
Jack pulls me over to where he is, standing next to a girl with dark brown curled hair, and wearing a pink dress with some glitter stripes on it. The first thing I notice though, was her eyes. Her eyes are so beautiful. Jack then introduces us. "Toby, this is Olga! Olga, this is Toby!", he gestures to us. "Hi!" I smile and reach out to shake hands. "Hi!", she giggles and does the same. "I like your glitter!" I laugh. "Thanks! I like your shirt with a....-" "It's a minotaur", I help her out since she obviously has no clue what it is. "Aaaah", she says with a laugh. I notice she has a Russian accent. I love Russian accents. I look to my side and notice Jack is gone. I then hear someone yell "Who wants to play Spin The Bottle!?!" I hear a bunch of "YEAAAHHHHH's". Olga then grabs my hand. "Come on, lets play!"

// Author's note:

Ah what do you guys think about this so far?¿ I'd love any feedback you guys have haha

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2015 ⏰

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