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Taylor's POV

"You are such a whore. What guy have you not slept with in this school. Oh wait, me because I don't want to get some sort of disease." I said to the school whore. Truthfuly I don't get how she could of have gotten into the pants of most of the guys here. She isn't even that pretty.

She was just standing there not responding. Wow.

"And you know you aren't even that pretty. You also put to much make-up on. What, do you look like an ogar under all that make-up?" There I feel happy.

"You know what Taylor Micheal Caniff. No wonder nobody likes you and you have no friends. Ok there is Dillion, but that's only just because he is just like you. I hate you Taylor! And you will pay for this. You better plan on it." This bitch says standing right infront of me. I look like I don't care, but she is kinda making a point. But I'm not changing for just one stupid hoe.

---------------------------------------Back Home--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I'm sitting on my bed doing nothing except for looking up at my ceiling and listening to music. I have my headphones blaring so I don't have to listen to my dad fight with my mom. I can't stand it. If they don't like each other why are they with each other? Like really, you guys are adults, grow up and act it. Gosh.

I lost my train of though when I received a call. But it's blocked.

"Yes this is him, and who the fuck is this?"
"You need to grow a pair, and start treating girls with respect. Douche."

And with that they hung up. Who the fuck was that? If they call again I will find out and they will pay for it.

Oh wait. I was told that today earlier by that stupid bitch. Let me guess she had her current sex slave do it for her because she can't fight her own battles.

Rediculous! What a whore.

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