Having Fun Around Town

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Angel's P.O.V

So far we have went to a silent beach that nobody knows about. I don't know how people don't know about this place. It is absolutely beautiful! I think that I will spend most of my time here. Definitely. Next he brought me to the mall. It is a good sized mall, and they have a lot of the stores that I like. The best part is, that the mall is walking distance form the house. Well every where he is bringing me is walking distance. But I have never lived walking distance from the mall.

He said he is saving the best for last. We started walking toward the middle of town. I start to see a pond and a path. It was a park. It's amazing. There are couples walking hand in hand, swans and ducks swimming in the river. Oh my god is that pedal boats. I love pedal boats, they are so fun.

All of a sudden Taylor takes my hand and it was like he was reading my mind. He brought me straight toward the pedal boat. He stepped in, then grabbed my hand to help me in. We started to pedal down the river.

We talked about anything and everything. It's been five minutes in the boat and I'm having a lot of fun. Taylor stops pedaling and just looks at me.

"Angel, I have a question." He asked seeming very nervous.
"Ask away."
"Well, I know we only just met today, but it feels like I have known you for an eternity. And you are truthfully a beautiful person. I love your eyes, I love your smile, and I love your personality. What I'm trying to ask is, will you be my girlfriend?"
"Yes Taylor, I will be your girlfriend."
"Wait are you serious, okay I was scared that you were going to say no."Relief washed over his face.


We started to head back to put the pedal boat away and got out.
"Taylor, thank-you for today. I had a really fun time. And thank-you for making my first day of living here, the best day."
"You're welcome."

*Skip car ride*

Taylor got out of the car and ran over to my door and opened it. We walked up to the porch step, hand in hand. Today was perfect. The best part is about it is that I got to spend it with a great guy who wears bandanna's, and his name is Taylor Micheal Caniff.

After saying good-bye to Taylor I walked through the door, when I realized that we forgot to trade numbers. I ran up to my room and opened my window and yelled his name. A few seconds later he came to the window and started to speak.
"We forgot to exchange numbers!"
"Wow, that is exactly what I was going to say."

We switched phones and put our number in to the other ones phone. We handed them back to each other. I closed my window, got dressed into my pajamas then went to bed. The whole night I replayed today in my head, and each time it was perfect, I wouldn't change nothing.

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