The dream

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"hello Izu and Kat! How was your day at school?" said my dad sitting at the diner table with mom. His white hair was almost as messy as mine and his eyes were... were I couldn't see his eyes for some reason. I tried to look him in the eyes but his face was glitching? Its was glitching between Hisashi Midoriya's face and A.F.O's face. "it was good but we have a lot of homework to do. "I say as I grab kat's hand and lead him to my bedroom. "did you see that?" I ask "if you're talking about your dad's face then yea-" he abruptly stopped talking I turn around to see A.F.O standing in my doorway "I see you boys have found out my secret, unfortunately for you I can't have you telling you little hero friends at school so...." He snaped his finders and we started falling. I grab Kacchan's hand as we land in a bar. well the bar must be the L.O.V.'s hideout because they were all standing there waiting for us. They knocked us out. I woke up in a room Kacchan was on the other side I was about to get up when the door opened and Kirishima-kun walked. Something was off he wasn't his cheery self. He walked over to Kacchan and kissed him forcefully. I tired to get up but I was chained to the wall. He had started to undress Kacchan. He undressed him self and forced himself inside of Kacchan. "stop. It hurts!" cried Kacchan. "that's what you get for being friends with that useless nerd!" snarled Karishma.

"-zu!Izu!" I was shaken awake. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2021 ⏰

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