I'll Be Seeing You Soon

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      I opened my eyes to see the sun shining through the window beside my bed, my instant reaction was to sit up and rub my eyes.

     I let my hands linger in front of my face and rested my head on them, I had to get ready for work and my head was aching much more then usual.

      I lifted my head and brushed the hair out of my face as I stood and brought my dark clothes to the bathroom and changed.

      I wasn't very comfortable changing elsewhere, I could feel eyes on me. This made me feel even more crazy and strange because when I looked, no one was there.

      I followed a normal routine of washing my face and picking up my clothes and putting them in the basket beside the sink.

      Today felt different in some way, like something meaningful was meant to happen, but I pushed it to the back of my mind, I didn't want to get my hopes up.

      I felt eyes burning into my back as I made a cup of coffee and brought it with me as I slipped my shoes and jacket on.

      I put the cup beside the sink and walked out the door, it was sprinkling but the clouds looked quite dark in the sky which gave me the impression that a thunderstorm was brewing.

      As soon as I put my hood up it was pouring down rain, and I felt the same sensation of being watched as I did at home, like someone was following me. I thought it could be one of the mobsters but he would have attacked me already, it could also be Batman but there was someone with a life and a job under that mask, this person almost never seemed to leave. Then there was the Joker, there was no mask and no one under that make up with another life to live, just a twisted murderer. But if Batman or the Joker would be watching me, I'd at least have to be interesting to watch, which I wasn't considering I wasn't even good looking.

      People always spoke about the Joker at work, as a receptionist all I really heard about was him, his insane laughter and how he had no remorse for the things he did. I felt like I knew him from how much people talked about him. Part of me didn't believe someone could be that way and that no one really knew the real him, but most of me just stayed away from the thoughts of anything other then hate for him.

      I had just gotten off work when I walked down the dark, damp street and toward my house, most people told me that I shouldn't walk alone at night and that that was when the Joker really came out to mess with the mobs, but I ignored them, I wasn't afraid.

      As I walked through an alley, I thought of the multiple murders that might have occurred here and as if on cue when I walked out of the alley, I saw a skinny silhouette with green hair.

      I froze as my heart betrayed my emotions, it twitched with anxiety even though I wasn't afraid of him, something else about him made my nerves go completely insane.

      He turned and smiled at me making me look down, it looked as if he was waiting for someone. I hardly thought it was me considering the fact that if he were to pray on a girl, she would at least have to be pretty, and I wasn't at all.

     I heard him as he stepped closer and felt the need to step back, but I stood my ground. I was hoping he would kill me but expected nothing more then for this to start with conversation.

     I looked up at his painted, scarred face as he asked, "Do I make you nervous?"

     "Yes," my answer was almost immediate as he stared at me with those green, severe eyes.

     "Do I scare you?" He laughed as he asked this but his laughter didn't surprise me.

     "No," it took me a little longer to answer, but there was no point in lying to him. He was the Joker and he would see right through me.

     His face turned sarcastically disappointed, and he laughed again, "Well that's no fun, is it?" He stepped closer to me and ran two fingers down the side of my face, he waited a few seconds before he continued, "So serious."

     Something in his eyes changed after that and he went quiet as he kept staring at me with his fingers lingering at my jaw.

     "I'll be seeing you soon," he didn't smile, he didn't use a loud sarcastic voice, he was completely serious. He was never serious, he hated people who were serious.

     "But boss -" a man walked up beside him.

     The Joker didn't need to reply for the man to be scared, he just stared him down and the man backed away. When he looked back at me his eyes were soft but conflicted and there was a hint of anger, then his fingers dropped from my jaw and I watched his figure as he walked away.

      This quick moment with the Joker was enough to make my heart fill with anxiety, but not for myself, for my family and the chance that they would care if something happened to me. I was unnervingly confused at why he decided to spare my life, why didn't he just kill me while he had the chance?

     The most confusing part is how serious he got when he touched me, and how something tells me that there's no reason for me to worry...something tells me not to be afraid.

Twisted, But So In Love *The Joker*Where stories live. Discover now