It was never you

14 0 0

Warning! There's mention of self harm in this chapter. Skip the area in the stars to skip that. 

I woke up with a pounding headache as I adjusted my eyes to a strange dim light. I tried to lift my hand only to find a shock of pain shoot through my arm. I looked down to see my bleeding hands wrapped in heavy manacles, similar ones on my feet. I struggled to push myself up the wall, the wood scratching into my back where there were sure to be splinters. I let out a loud grunt of pain and fell back onto by arse. "Shit" I swore loudly. 

"Shit is right mudblood" Cho Chang stepped out of the shadows flanked by Ron. 

I averted my gaze from him and focused instead on Chang's eyes, seeing the familiar gleam of the imperio deep within her gaze. She grinned wide. "Yes. I do believe that word seems tailored to your situation. You've been kidnapped. You're helping death eaters do the dark lords bidding. You're boyfriend and friends will chase you down and get killed in the process. And to top it all of your parents are dead" her grin widened. 

I let out a helpless scream. My parents can't be dead. "Then kill me too." I said boldly. "Kill me too because I'm not going to resurrect the noseless idiot." I spat out blood and hug loosely by my chains, leaning back slightly. 

Chang's face twisted into fury as she stepped forward. "Do not disrespect the dark lord" she said in a tone of awe, reverence, and blinding rage. 

I smirked. "Oh dear Bella. Is that you?" I cooed. "You've imperio'd my friends and give yourself away because your shagging buddy is dead. And because he was an idiot who failed to kill a teenage boy and take over a highschool." I pouted. 

"Shut up mudblood" Chang spat stepping over my foot. I listened to the sickening crunch and bit my tongue hard to keep her from having the satisfaction of hearing me scream. "So, mudblood" she spat. "How'd you achieve immortality." she grinned. 

I frowned. "I haven't. I cannot die but I still grow old. I suppose my time'll still come" I pondered, forgetting where I was for a second as I dived into the thin, delicate fabrics of my so called "immortality". 

She kicked my broken foot, pulling me out of my thought with a sharp gasp of pain. She grinned again and Ron winced. "Ron" I whispered my voice cracking. "Are they really dead". 

He spoke in the high-pitched voice again. "Yes." his voice was merciless and I hung my head. 

"How long" I asked. "How long h-have they been gone" I focused on keeping my voice steady, failing. 

Chang pulled me up by my hair and I knew Bellatrix would tell me so she could rub it in my face. "3 months after you obliviated them" she cackled. 

I let out a soft cry that didn't go unnoticed by Chang and Ron who took the opportunity to laugh, loudly and colorlessly. "Fuck you" I muttered, too deep in my grieving to say anything more. 


I pushed the chains deeper into my arm, distracting myself from the pain in my heart by creating pain in my arm. The chain dug into my skin, blood spilling from the new cut. I gasped and dug it deeper into my arm. "Hermione" Ron's voice was strained as he spoke. "Stop hurting yourself" he managed, gasping from the effort of struggling against the curse. 


"Bellatrix, you know only I can bring back Voldemort." I called after Cho. 

She stopped for a fraction of a second before lifting her hands above her head and clapping slowly. "Right again mudblood. But there's where you're wrong. You see I've decided I no longer need your services, when I went for a walk in the lovely forbidden forest I stumbled across a rather interesting rock." 

I took in a sharp breath. No. She couldn't have found it. 

"Yes, this one had the symbol of the Peverells. It's the ressurection stone." she cackled evilly and I felt the tears stream faster. 

The world was hell with Voldemort and now he's going to come back. He'll be back and he'll be invincible if they have the resurrection stone with them always. "It's a fake" I lied feebly. 

I knew that Bellatrix wouldn't believe me but I need to try everything. I sobbed loudly. "T-that's a fake stone. Harry made a duplicate" I gasped for breath as I felt my chest constrict. 

"No dear girl it's not fake." Bellatrix laughed, her real body stepping out of the shadows fully clothed in a stunning plum colored dress. 

I let out a tiny giggle, how on earth did she manage to go shopping while the life of her master was threatened. Pureblood women are so overrated. Bellatrix twirled around and conjured a glass of wine, looking severely out of place in the broken down shack. "Bring in the guest blood-traitor" she shouted suddenly. 

Ron stood up pain twisting in and out of his eyes and his movements became jerky and awkward as he struggled to resist the curse.  "No" he managed before he succumbed to the curse, and glaring at me he left the room. 

I screamed loudly and felt Chang's soft hand cover my mouth. "Shut up mudblood she snarled, but her eyes were soft. 

I quieted down and slipped back against the wall wondering if Malfoy had found the empty room by now. If he had he was going to have to hurry and find Dumbledore. Ron entered the room again carrying a frail old man. I peered confusedly at the man's long white hair and realized with a gasp that it was Dumbledore. "Professor" I yelled. 

"Ahh, Miss Granger. I must say I rather hoped you wouldn't be here" he smiled gently. "I have looked into Mr. Malfoy's mind however and I would like to tell you something that I find quite vital for you to know. Mr. Malfoy would've liked to tell you himself as I'm sure he will when he finds you but he" Dumbledore was cut out by a loud screech from Bellatrix as she raised her wand. 

I realized what would happen a second too late as she shouted the curse loudly. "Avada Kadevra" Dumbledore's limp body fell to the ground with a resounding crack. 

I let out short, quick pants of anger and screamed loudly. My throat felt scratchy and dry but I yelled louder and louder. 

"Shut up mudblood, you're next" Bellztrix grinned. 

"No doll, you deserve something worse than death. How about obliviate. I'll make you forget this past year. Meeting me. Master. Draco" she grinned. 

She pointed her wand at me and tears flowed down my face silently. 

Peppermint. Healing Gel. A refined cologne. My Amortentia smells like Draco.  

I'm in love with Draco Malfoy.


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