Where it all went wrong

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"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" "I should ask you the same thing" "What do you mean what did I do?" "YOU TOLD EVERYONE WE BROKE UP"he stayed quiet."So?"I slapped him across the face he was about to hit my back I braced myself.

Just then Jayden came running and punched Tsuyoi in the face.They started rolling around on the ground.The teacher came and pulled them apart.I walked Jayden to the nurse.My only question at this point was where had it all went wrong?

After me and Jayden spent the day together and the weekend passed it was right back to school.I was walking to the last period of the day by myself for once in a long time once I got into class the teacher said"Hey where's your boyfriend" "Um Tsuyoi isn't here yet" "I'm not talking about him Norah I'm talking about the other one" "Jayden?" "Yes" "Mister he's not my boyfriend we don't even like each other" 

"And yet y'all spend 24/7 together, he walks you home, he teases you, I've seen him hold your hand before and you still think your just friends?" "Mister this isn't easy for me to admit but.....I do have feelings for Jayden but I can't be with him because I'm dating his best friend and even if we broke up I still couldn't be with him because you just don't date a friend's ex whether your boy or a girl" "True but you like him don't you?" "Um yeah"

 "Then fight for him, rewrite the stars, save this forbidden love!Nothing should get in the way of love and after all a boy and a girl can never be just friends" "Thanks mister I'll try"He nodded"Alright now go sit down"I nodded and sat down"Hello Jayden"My heart started racing.He's here?Already?Why os he here so soon?"Hey monkey"He said sitting down beside me. "H-hi"WHY AM I STUTTERING?Geez my face is burning up,I can't breathe,and I can't feel my arms or legs!

"Hello Tsuyoi" "Hey Mr.Jones" "How are you?" "Good how are you?" "Good" "Mister why don't you ever ask me how I am?"Jayden said turning around"Jayden I would ask you.....if I cared" "How rude"I started laughing"Hey it's not funny!" "yes.......it.....is"I said through laughter"Ugh whatever that's why you look like a monkey"I kicked him under the table"OW you're wearing boots today that hurt!" 

 "Yeah why do you think I wore them....Rosealind even dared me to kick you with them" "Ugh that girl will be the death of me" "Yup"He continued rubbing his leg"Ugh here let me help"I bent down and started rubbing where I had kicked him"Better?" "Yup" "Stop looking at me like that I'm not kissing it" "Why not?It's not like you have a boyfriend" "what?I do" "Geez you moved on from Tsuyoi that fast?" "What do you mean we never broke up" 

"Wait he said y'all broke up"I sat back down.Tsuyoi was glaring at me.After class Tsuyoi came up to me"What the fuck was that?" "What was what?" "You were fucking rubbing his leg" "So?I was the one who kicked him" 

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" "I should ask you the same thing" "What do you mean what did I do?" "YOU TOLD EVERYONE WE BROKE UP"he stayed quiet."So?"I slapped him across the face he was about to hit my back I braced myself.

Just then Jayden came running and punched Tsuyoi in the face.They started rolling around on the ground.The teacher came and pulled them apart.I walked Jayden to the nurse.Oh so that's where it all went wrong.I looked at Jayden his lip was bleeding and he had dark marks all over his face"Jayden why'd you that?" "Mr.Jones told me to fight for you so I did exactly that" "I don't think he meant it like that doofus"He held out his hand and I grabbed it."Well now you have to do something for me" "Ugh what is it?" "Break up with Tsuyoi"

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