Chapter 2

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Ash's pov

About two weeks pass by. Gary & I have been hang out alot. Then all weekend he didn't want to hang out at all. So I went to see a old friend named Misty. "Hey Misty how are you doing?" I asked. "Ash it's great to see you. Are you still brainless as you ever?" She smirked. "Wanna to find out." I said ready for a battle. "Sure." I grabbed one of my poke balls. "Go Charizard!" I tossed out the poke ball. "Go Tentacool!" Both Pokémon where standing in the battleground. "Ok Charizard use amber!" I ordered. "Tentacool dodge & use crystal beam!" She said in return. "Charizard use blast burn." It hit Tentacool & I won. "Wow you've gotten good. But its getting late I'm going to turning in for the night." I nodded & went home. I layed in me bed think about Gary how he made me feel lately. I mean everytime we hang out my heart beats faster, & my stomachs in knots. Am I fall for him....No I'm just happy we're friends..right? I heard the door bell ring, so I got up & walked to the door. Once I opened the door, I see Gary out of breath.

Gary's pov

"Hey Gary whats up?" I grabbed his hand. "Come with me." I pulled him into the forest. "What is it Gary?" I didn't answer him. Soon we stopped at a cave. "On the other side of this cave there is something you wouldn't believe." I was still holding his hand. I pulled away. "S-sorry." I started to walk, but realized we need a light. I took out my lighter & lit it. As we walked I looked back at him. Him & Pikachu where just walking alone he seemed to be thinking about something. "Hey you ok?" I asked. His head snapped up to look at me. "I-I'm fine." His face was red I chuckled. Dear Arceus he's so cute, I thought. We get to the end of the cave. There were Pokémon everywhere. He stood in awe. "How did you find this place." He exclaimed. "Not to long ago. I was just strolling around when I found it." I smiled. Ash went to the Riverside & sat down. "It's beautiful here." He sigh. "Pika." Pikachu sighed relaxed. I sat next him. "Yeah." Suddenly a splash of water hits my face. "Hey!!" I exclaimed. He giggled as he splashed me again. "That's how you want to play it...fine." I said. I started to splash him back. Suddenly the current started to get stronger. Ash started to slip, but I caught him in time. I helped him onto the land & got up myself. "Are you ok?" I asked him, he nodded. "Let's go home." He smiled. I nodded. "Hey Gary remember when you confessed to me. I was wondering, why do you? me that is. I'm not really smart or anything." I had my arm behing my head as we walked. "I'd have to say your personality." He pouted & hit me. "No but really your not afraid of anything. I mean when we were younger I  always was afraid of losing everything. You also kind, caring. No matter how many times I was an asshole to you, you would still help me. I thought if I could beat you the feeling would go away, but I was wrong this feelings are all my feeling for you & I don't want to get rid of them." I realized I been rambling on this whole time. He stared at me. "S-sorry..." I looked down. "No i-it's fine you a-answer my question." Still looking at the ground I smiled. We get to Ash house. "Hey Gary would you like to stay here to night it's like 12 ò clock already." I nodded. He led me to the guest room. I thanked him & went to bed with eevee curled up by my head.

Ash's pov

After we got back I layed in my bed. I noticed Pikachu wasn't in bed so I went look for him. I walk out of my room & looked around. I looked outside, in the kitchen, then I went in to Gary's room. I see Pikachu trying to escape Gary's grasp. He probably thought Pikachu was eevee. I walk over & grabbed Pikachu from his grasp. "Pika." Pikachu sighed. I felt a hand reach & grabbed me. I was yanked into the bed. "Why.....dark...Ash!" Gary was talking in his sleep. Giggling slowly moved night to wake him.

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