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Wang Yibo fainted in the middle of the discussion, making Xiao Zhan panic. The older checked the unconscious boy's forehead. He immediately retracted his hand because of how hot the boy's forehead is.

'How the heck did he get a fever??!!' Xiao Zhan thought to himself, frowning as he picked up the younger in a princess carry... Gently placing the boy on the cleaned bed.

(HC: Everything is clean and well. Faith, fluff, and no smut~ 😌😌😌)

He grabbed his phone and called his best friend. After a few rings, the latter finally answered.

"Yo Wassup?~" A playful voice was heard from the phone.

"You busy?" Xiao Zhan asked, frowning as he placed the pressed wet towel on the younger's forehead. 

"Yeah! I'm at the bar with some hot chicks by my side!~"

"I need a favor" Xiao Zhan said seriously. He sat up properly after checking if the boy has any discomfort.

"Eh? Did you kill someone??? Do you want me to clean up the mess?? Did you find the bastard who ki-!"

"No! You damned idiot. Buy medicine for colds or fevers. You have ten minutes dumbass." Xiao Zhan hung up the phone and wiped Wang Yibo's beads of sweat that clung on his porcelain face.

'Did I do him hard?'

During Xiao Zhan's mental crisis, Wang Yibo moaned and groaned as he slowly regained consciousness. His eyes fluttered gently as he held his aching head. He looked at his side and found Xiao Zhan who was looking very serious while looking at a distance.

'What's up with him?' Wang Yibo raised an eyebrow.

"Zhan-ge..." He called out weakly. His voice slightly cracking and his throat felt dry.

Xiao Zhan snapped his head towards the younger's direction and handed him water, that was placed on the table beside the bed, after helping the latter sit properly. He prepared it in advance, knowing that the younger would surely want a drink.

"You're awake" Xiao Zhan sighed in relief.

Wang Yibo drank his water. Some dripped down his chin to his neck. His addam's apple bobbed up and down in a seductive way. He wiped his chin and neck using the long sleeves he was wearing.

Xiao Zhan gulped and looked away. He closed his eyes, taking deep breaths to calm himself down. His little junior was poking his way out of his pants' zipper. It was PURE AGONY.

'I've gone nuts this time. God what's wrong with me... Getting hard just because of a boy drinking water???!!!' He rubbed his face with both of his hands and held his breath.

"Zhan-ge? What's wrong with you? You're acting weird." Wang Yibo questioned judgingly with a teeny tiny bit dollop of concern laced around his words.

Xiao Zhan looked at him with frustration written all over his face. He was about to say something when the doorbell rang from downstairs. The older stood up and took the chance to get out of that hot seat.

"XIAO ZHAN!!! COME OUT YOU BASTARD!!!" The man yelled while pressing the poor doorbell harshly, many times.

The door was opened and it revealed a grim looking Xiao Zhan who looked like he'd kill anyone who came near him.

"WHY. CAN'T. YOU. BE. CIVILIZED. JUST. FOR. ONCE?!" Xiao Zhan emphasized each word as he slowly lifted his head to glare at his best friend.

"Zhan-ge? Who's there?" Wang Yibo went down stairs while leaning on everything near him for support.

The visitor looked over Xiao Zhan's shoulder. His eyes widened as he pushed past Xiao Zhan who was left there stumbling at the door.

"YIBO??!!!" He grabbed the younger's shoulder. "WHY ARE YOU WITH HIM???!!! WHOSE PLACE IS THIS ANYWAY??!!!"

"Ahh Biaoge, this place is mine. Can you let go of me... I wanna puke-" Wang Yibo was getting dizzy and his mouth formed an O shape before storming inside the nearest bathroom... Then he vomited.

"So... You're Yibo's older cousin??" Xiao Zhan walked up to his best friend as he raised his eyebrow at him.

"Yeah~ duh, can't you see we're both Wang(s)??"  rolled his eyes.

"There are a lot of Wangs in the world that are not related to you Wang Haoxuan." Xiao Zhan glared at Wang Haoxuan.

The latter gulped and averted his gaze.

"How did you find me then?" Xiao Xhan crossed his arms in front of his chest.

"I went to the fucking police station to track your fucking phone!" Wang Haoxuan harshly poked Xiao Zhan's phone multiple times.

"Stop swearing. You fucking whiny bitch." Xiao Zhan retorted as he slapped Wang Haoxuan's head with his phone.

The two were bickering when Wang Yibo came out of the bathroom, looking very pale. He slumped on the couch and rubbed his nose bridge.

Wang Haoxuan was about to yell something when Xiao Zhan noticed Wang Yibo's state. He pushed Wang Haoxuan's face out of the way as he made his way towards the sick boy.


"You okay? Drink this. You'll feel better." Xiao Zhan gave the boy his medicine and a glass of water which the latter took politely while saying thank you.

"WHAT IN THE FUCKING SHIT IS GOING ON IN HERE?!!!" Wang Haoxuan stared incredulously at his cousin and best friend.

"Biaoge, sit here." Wang Yibo patted on the left side of the couch since Xiao Zhan is sitting on the right side.

"Are you together or something??" Wang Haoxuan ignored his best friend's deadly stare as he sat on the left side of the couch. He is very curious about this situation that he doesn't even if he may die later.

"Uhh... It's complicated." Wang Yibo looked at Xiao Zhan who also nodded in agreement.

'You say it's complicated??? Then what the heck is this obvious gay sexual tension between you??' Wang Haoxuan frowned deeper.

"Start telling me from when you guys met till now." Wang Haoxuan leaned on the couch before crossing his leg.

"Well it started in a bar... An-"

"What the fuck are you doing in a bar???" Wang Haoxuan exclaimed.

"It was my birthday okay?!! I wanna get drunk!!" Wang Yibo defended himself.

"Oh yeah?!! Hol' up young man. You're not even legal!!" Wang Haoxuan growled.

Now, these two cousins looked like lions that are ready to pounce on one another. Their teeth are bared as they snarled at each other.

Xiao Zhan ran his fingers on the boy's hair to calm him down. It was effective, for the younger leaned closer to his touch and purred in delight.

"Yibo... How old are you really? Why did he say that you're not yet legal?" Xiao Zhan asked.


"So he doesn't know?"


"Oh dear..."

"Zhan-ge~ promise me you won't be shocked or... Angry..." Wang Yibo looked at Xiao Zhan with expectant eyes and it was enough to make the older do anything for him.

"I promise" The older firmly said.

Wang Yibo sighed deeply before looking deeply at Xiao Zhan's chocolate colored eyes.

"I'm sixteen"

With that being said, an unidentified atmosphere entered the room.

Everything turned awfully quiet and cold.

I mean... Who wouldn't be shocked to the bone when the one you got laid with was an underage boy who just turned sixteen yesterday...

'I fucked up'

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2023 ⏰

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