Wandas and visions daughter pt3

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(A little later in the year) (walking up the stairs)

Y/n: Hermione, where does that door lead to?

Hermione: I dont know!! Why do you think I know everything!!!

(Y/n, ron, and harry slap their faces)

Ron: BRO you read a WHOLE book on hogwrats, HERMIONE!!!

(Harry and y/n laugh their a*ss off)

Hermione: well then let's go inside of there and see what's inside!

Harry: ok sure.

Y/n: um.. i dont think it's a good idea.

Ron: it's fine, come on y/n

Y/n: fine let's go.

Harry: its locked.

Hermione: here I got it, y/n give a little boost.

Y/n: sure (Hermione hands you her wand and you put your hands on top of her wand with powers working their way into her wand) there!

Hermione: thanks. Alohamora!

(You guys enter the room)

Harry: why is there an big dog in here? (loud)

Y/n: shhhhh shut up loudmouth he or she or they are asleep.(quietly)

Ron: Hermione can you go turn off that horrible music please?

Hermione: fine. (Stops the music)

(Dog wakes up)

All: AHHHHH!!!!

(You all go run back to the common room) (run up the stairs and next to each others dorms)

Ron: what was that??

Y/n: we dont know!

Hermione: well I'm going to bed before either of you come up with another clever idea to get us killed or worse expelled( Go's  inside the dorm)

Ron: she needs to sort out her priorities.

Harry: agreed!!

Y/n: I think we should all go to bed now.

Ron: yes, finally something we can agree on.

(Ron went inside the dorms) (your about to go inside the dorms)

Harry: wait y/n!

Y/n: yes harry?

Harry: um.. y/n I'm scared of the dark and I need to um.. get my book from the common room. So can you please um.. go with me so you can use your powers to make light?

Y/n: yeah. Umm... sure

(You guys go down while you use your powers to make a ball of light)

Y/n: so wheres the book?

Harry: well there is no book. I just wanted to spend time with you.

Y/n: aww harry. (You hug him) so you wanna watch a movie?

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