Chapter 4

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Tae's pov:

"TAE!!" I blinked when I heard Beam yelling from the entryway right after opening the front door.

I got up from the couch where I was sitting and went where I could see him.

"Beam? What's wrong?" I asked when he ran up to me and hugged me tightly.

"I found him!" He looked up at me with tears in his eyes.

I tilted my head confused. "Found who?"

"OUR JOONG!! I FOUND HIM!!" He yelled.

I stiffened.

"Wh-what?" I muttered shakily.

"I FOUND OUR JOONG!!" He shouted again with tears streaming down his face.

Tears started forming in my eyes as well.

"Where?! Where is he?!" I asked frantically.

"H-he's at the place he's currently living in. A lot of things happened. I have a lot I need to tell you. And a lot we need to find out as well." He let go of me and wiped his tears.

We went and sat on the couch.

He explained everything that had happened starting from when the professor had told him about Blue up until he had seen him get into his car and drive out of the university.

My jaw was hanging low by the end of it.

"So he doesn't remember anything?" I asked.

He nodded. "But he said he had a dream about us. About the time he had told us when he had gotten perfect scores in his high school exam. He was able to recognize me when he saw me because of that. So that's one good thing."

I bit my lips.

"But who is this Luke bastard? Why the hell would he take him and feed him complete lies about himself?" I frowned.

"I don't know either. His full name is Luke Porter. We need to find out what his motives are. When I asked Joong if he hurts him... That fear I saw in his eyes. It's unmistakable. And that pill he's giving him every night. I don't think those are just some sleeping pills. We need to hurry Tae. I don't want him to stay with someone who's hurting him." He said.

I nodded and took out my phone.

I dialed Lam's number.

"Hey, Tae. What's up?" He picked up after the third ring.

"Hey, Lam. I need you to look into someone for me. ASAP." I said straightforwardly.

"Who is it?" He asked seriously.

"Luke Porter. Marketing manager at D&C company." I answered.

"Ok. I'll see what I can find out." He said.

"Can you make it a bit fast? I need the info as soon as possible." I asked.

"Yeah. I'll call you back when I get the info." He replied before hanging up.

I looked at Beam.

He had tears in his eyes.

I gripped his hand gently.

"Th-that boy I met today... He was so different from the Joong we knew. He's really timid and insecure. He's so easily startled even. I saw one student come up to him and pat his shoulder while he was distracted. He jumped and slapped their hand away immediately. He looked at them as if he was going get beaten or something." He explained.

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