Part 1: "SAM!" (Kenna X Lucas)

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Lucas' POV

It was a normal Friday morning, and I was excited to See my best friend Kenna. Little did he know I have a crush on him ❤

"Kenna!" I say running over to him going for a hug
"Lucas!" He says. Hugging me back. Why is he so cute

We hug for 1 minute and I wish it was longer though.
"KENNAAAAAAAA OLIWIER KISSED TEAGAN-" Sam shouts at us, Running towards us
"What kinda ga-" Sam says
Finlay Hits me on the back,giving Sam a fright
"WELP BYE!" Sam says, before running away
"Hey Fin!" I say, Getting him off my back.

I think to myself
'Wheres Kenna? He was just here
He was over talking to Sam. Why do I get jealous when he talks to her? Is it because the rumour thats been going around for years about them liking each other? Whatever it is. I don't like it.

"LUCAS!" Im immediately surrounded by a bunch of boys.  I don't pay any attention to them. I want Kenna 😭💔

We go inside, to our classroom and our teacher had changed the seating plans.
"Lucas next too..... Kenna!" She announces
Me and Kenna Lock eyes
Sam laughs awkwardly, and Kenna drew his contact away from me. UGH

Sam is burying her head in her hands, Our friend Danny is being annoying

Why does she always steal the attention.
Why does he pay attention to her.
What is so perfect about HER.
(A/N: Nothing)
Kenna turns and looks back at me.

Kennas POV

Some times I think Lucas gets jealous of me and Sam.
I've made it clear I dont like her and she hates me.
Whatever, I stare into Lucas' eyes and see Finlay getting jealous. I HATE HIM, Sometimes I wish me and Lucas can just float away to our own paradise in the sky with only me and him.
Wait what- Hes your best friend! You can't think about him like that!
He probably doesn't even like you back!

Sam's POV

I ignore Danny saying weird things to me and look over at Kenna and Lucas.
They would be a perfect couple. It wouldn't surprise me if they were gay. I also see Finlay Glaring at them. Almost as if he was jealous
Oh well. I should go wash my hands.

A/N wow. Im gonna send them this story and see if they read it 😎 Also im ashamed that ive writen 500 words. I have so many more ideas but this is all I can do for now. I also think this story fits them. Even though none of this is true (Sadly) I still had fun writing this. Also We will see in the next part if they get together or if Finlay steps in and tried to take Lucas away from Kenna! Thats all Friends,  Bye!

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