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Y/n's Introduction.

Name ⁜Jordan Diaz.

Age ⁜ 19 years old.

Parents ⁜ Father and Step-Mother (both abusive)

Jordan ever misbehaves, she will always do what she's told to do or else she'll have to face some bad consequences. She would get hit by her abusive 'parents' or whatever you wanna call them. 

Kobe's Introduction.

Name ⁜ Kobe Morris.

Age ⁜ 22 years old.

Parents ⁜ Unrevealed.

He's a Mafia Boss, a popular one. He's heartless and cold but funny when he's ready to be. He's a fricking playboy. He's in a gang called "BLOODBATH." If you disrespects him, he won't hesitate to kill you. 

Jordan's Pov:

I sighed deeply as I sat down on my bed. I can't leave this house without my parents giving me a black eye. Ya'll may think that I can just leave but I can't. They won't let me. They always say this to me.. "We love to torture you and hear you scream in pain. Where would all that fun go if you leave?" I've tried to escape like 10 times already, but they would always capture me and beat me 10x harder.

Anyways, the weather in Kentucky was rainy. Besides the weather, Kentucky is a very dangerous place to live in, because of the most feared Mafia Gang called "BLOODBATH." They literally own this state. The leader of that gang is Kobe Morris, I heard many rumors about him before which are not pretty. Trust me. 

I messed up my hair before laying completely on my bed. To be honest, I don't think this is a bedroom because in this right corner here is a dusty mattress; which I laid on many times already and the wardrobe, near the door, is dirty; black and rusty. Also, there's a shattered window so it gets very cold at night and I don't have any blankets. My parents always says.. "Dirty rags like you doesn't need to keep warm, sweetheart."

I got off the bed and changed into something comfortable to head downstairs.



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After doing that, I grabbed my little bag with makeup; I don't really like makeup, I just have to wear it because I have to cover up my bruises. I then brushed my wrapped my hair up in a messy bun, not caring at all. Once I've finished everything, I quietly made my way downstairs, being careful not to wake my parents. But faith brought me in another direction.

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