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Kobe's Pov:

I got out of my Rover with my body guards following my actions. I didn't want to leave my princess behind but, I had to. I needed to sort out this prick who hasn't paid me back my money. When I reached the alley, I saw a girl clinging onto him like her life depended on it. Slut. I walked in, grabbing him by his collar and pushing the girl aside but she ran away.

"K-Kobe, sir, w-what b-brings you h-here?" he stuttered out.

I ignored him and punched him in his face and hard. He groaned in pain but that didn't stop me from punching him over and over and over and over. I then jump-kicked him in his jaw, making him spit out blood and I then kicked him in his stomach 10 times and he fell to the ground.

I crouched down to his level, "You haven't paid me back and it's been 2 fucking months!"

"S-sir, I was g-gonna p-pay y-y-you pack-"

I cut him off, "And when will that be, Lino?"

He hung his head low in defeat as I smirked.

"You know what to do," I faced my guards, letting go of Lino's collar.

I walked off back to the car, smiling widely when I heard Lino shouting in pain. That is what happens when you don't pay me back. As I got in the car, my phone started to ring. I took it in my hands and answered it. 


"Hey, sir, h-how's it g-going?" Sam stuttered through the phone. 

"Sam, why you stuttering, you don't stutter when you talk to me," I laid back on the seat. 

"S-sir.. J-Jordan's m-m-missing," he said, breath shaky.

I sat up on the seat, "What?!!" 

He took in a deep breath but stopped when I heard some gunshot. I declined the call and threw the phone on the car ground and smashed it with my boots. I then heard footsteps coming towards the van.

"What's wrong, boss?" Josh asked me.

"Jordan's missing and I know who has her," I said, clenching my jaw.

"Mike," Josh said through gritted teeth.

"Exactly. Get in the car guys and drive back to our house, now!"

The quickly got in the car; starting it and driving off. Princess, I promise, I'm coming to get you.

Jordan's Pov:

I was now in someone's dirty ass bedroom and on the bed. The same darkskin boy was in front of the bed, watching me and enjoying the sight of me handcuffed to the bed. 

"Hey, kitten, you're safe now," he smiled, showing his braces. 

"I'm not your kitten or anything related to that!" I growled softly. 

He chuckled, "I've noticed that we be bumping into each other most of the times but not anymore since you're here with me."

I wiggled in annoyance, I really wanted to get out of these handcuffs since they caused pain to run through my wrists. 

"Who the fuck are you?" I shouted.

He grinned, "Mike, Kobe's worst enemy."


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