Beach part 2

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Mya: omg is this who I think it is i- it can't be ......
Omg AHHHH !!!!

as Mya was screaming in the store she saw the person who helped them get everything started
She saw Jj

Jj is the person who helped his friends find shelter .he was at some place he never told them and he never told them when he was coming back too. but it been four months and Mya was very happy to see her friend

Omg Jj what are u doin here at the beach
(As Mya screamed)

Jj was very happy to see her and he seemed shocked to see her too since it been to long for them

Jj skipped the question and asked " what are u doing here mya and where our friends at ? "

Mya said well we at the beach having fun ,I went by my self cuz I need me time and I need to find my car something but don't change the subject why u here ?

Jj didn't want to say why , but he couldn't just tell her and he said to her it's about business

Mya shrugged and said why u can't never tell us anything about this " work " you have She laughs

Jj laugh with her and said it's personal and you know this as Jj said

Mya begin to talk "well we having a picnic somewhere you wanna come ?"
Jj smiled and said that would be lovely


Dd: Franky guess what I forgot !

Franky got scared and didn't know wat she was gonna say ,so he didn't say nothing

I forgot my damn juice know how could I forget that that's crazyy she laughs

Franky realized he lost the game cause he got scared when she yelled that out

Dd begin to laughs hard when he lost the game

Franky asked dd what time is it so we can go back home to have this picnic

Dd didn't know cause she didn't have her phone with her , so her and Franky went looking for a clock in the arcade but they couldn't find any so they went looking for mya since she had the keys .

When they was looking for her they found her talking to someone

Franky : hey dd who u think that person is? He asked

Dd shrugged her shoulders and said I don't even know let's check

When dd and Franky went up to mya they was both shocked to see Jj they friend they haven't seen in a while .

They both screamed and hugged Jj they was so happy to see him

Jj smiled and got excited to see them

Jj : now all we need is tori and gavi where u think they at ?

They all said at the beach all together

Jj said well can u call them so we can get out of here all together I'm tired and I miss home he laughs

Mya,dd and Franky looked at each other and then looked at Jj

Franky told Jj that they phones are in the car so they can't

Jj shocked his head in defeat and said come on let's go find them so we can leave


Jj: guys!!! he yelled
Mya ,dd and Franky looked at him and Jj said I found them

Jj wanted to surprise them as they was listing to music .

Tori has her music on blast so she can't hear nothing she got up to stretch and when she turned around she got sand on gavi when she screamed

Gavi got confused and got up and was scared tori saw something and when she turned around she saw Jj

Gavi: OMGGGGG!!!!! Jj what are u doin here she yelled

Tori ran up to Jj and hugged him tight they both fell down

The friend group all laughed

Jj: let's all go home I don't think I can fit in the car he laughs

Franky : dude I think u can if me and tori was sitting in the back seat he laughs

They all went to the car and got inside Jj fitted in the back seat with them and Mya was driving home.

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