driven to insanity

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it was a rainy day, blue was walking down the roads of canterlot, he was tired after guarding the princess today and wanted to see his family, but he felt like something was wrong, but he did not know what it could be, when he got home he noted that it was silent as usually his son would be really loud when he gets home but nothing today, he looked around the house but no one was there, so he went back to the door and there was a note on the floor he did not see and the note said "if you want your family back you will go to the crystal empire and meet me at the top of the tower next monday at 12:00 pm exactly or there will be deadly consequences" blue rushed over to canterlot castle to tell celestia the situation, once he did that he rushed to the train station to catch the train to the crystal empire, he was going to go there before the deadline to try to get the jump on who ever the kidnapper was. when he got to the crystal empire he started looking for who did it, but was careful to conceal himself as to not alert the kidnapper that he was there earlier then the deadline. he thought it might have been someone affiliated with the royal guard so he made sure not to tell any of them about the situation, he gave up for the day and rented a room in a hotel to stay for the night since the next day was monday, he made sure he was ready for anything to happen. the next day when he woke up it was 11:43, so he rushed to the tower waiting only a floor below the very top and he waited until it was 12:00 exactly and he went up to the top, he was surprised to see that it was princess cadence that was the one who kidnapped his family, he asked her "why would you kidnap anyone, let alone my family, i never did anything to you" cadence did not answer the question but instead dodged it by saying that she demands him to leave equestria and never return or she would do horable things to his family, blue in his head decided to strike first to try and free his family but cadence seemed to know he was going to do that and pulled a knife and sliced into luna's wing, luna screamed out in agony, and blood started to leak from the gash on her wing, blue then leaped at her and pinned cadence to the ground and she struggled but she gave up because she knew he was more powerful, blue then heard the voice in his head again "kill her, she wronged you, you must give her the same amount of pain that she gave you." blue tried to fight the urge to attack her but he lost, and suddenly with a sickening snap, cadence started screaming in agony as her body was contorted in multiple unnatural ways to the point where her neck, and legs were all about to snap all at once, blue almost seemed to enjoy the pain she was going through, blue had a special sword given to him by his mother that he never used unless it was absolutely necessary, but he pulled it out and started to repeatedly stab cadence in the neck and started to slice into her flesh starting at her neck and working his way down her stomach and to her wings, when he got to her wings he started to tear them out from the sockets and at this point cadence was struggling to breathe, blue continued by tearing her other wing out and sliced into her stomach and dug the blade deeper and deeper into her flesh, when it was over, you could almost not even tell the body was cadence unless you cleaned all of the blood and wing feathers. blue snapped out of his rage but it was too late and cadence was already dead. "what have i done, i-i cant let anyone know this happened, please don't tell anyone i snapped and did this, can you cover for me and say it was something else?" blue exclaimed, luna said that she would try for an excuse but it would be hard to find one. "as long as no one can find out that it was me who did this its fine, i just need some alone time to think" blue said. for now they all stayed in the crystal empire in the hotel blue had rented the night before, the next day they took the train and got back to canterlot, when they got back they told celestia what had happened but left out the part where blue killed cadence, if she knew of that celestia would banish blue or do something worse, so after they told celestia it was time for luna to raise the moon, so they all went back to their home and went to bed for them night, but luna was not dream-walking tonight because she needed to heal, and blue was having bad nightmares about the voice he heard and what would happen if he continued to listen to the voice. the dreams about the voice were not that bad up to this point but now its about the voice telling him to kill his family and the mane 6 and the princesses, but until now he was able to control his dark impulses but now he cant control them. he woke up the next morning and wondered why he was now losing control of his anger and emotions, he was going to ask luna if she could help him with it but thought she would not be able to help, since it was so bad with him it might not be treatable. he got up and when he did the voice came back and said "you must go kill the princess, you don't want your parents to be disappointed with you right?" blue said out loud "no i am not killing anyone get out of my head!" luna and cloud questioned why he said that but he assured them that everything was fine and not to worry, about an hour later blue went to celestia for a book from canterlot library about mental illness, of course he did not tell her that it was for something that he had, when he got the book and started walking back it started to rain, so he hurried back home to his house on the outskirts of canterlot and when he got back he wanted to take a break before reading the book he got and luna saw the book he got and said "hey why did you get this book about mental illness?" blue responded with "oh i just wanted to read up on it just so that after what i did to cadence wont affect me as bad and if it is bad i can use the info from this book to help solve that problem." luna hesitantly agreed with blue but was still concerned for his mental health because he was acting strange ever since the incident with cadence. later that night blue sneaks out of the house and went to the library again, looking for other books on mental illness but every book he read he did not find anything about voices in your head, he went back to the house but was stopped by luna in the door way and luna asked if everything was alright, blue not wanting to tell anyone lied and said he just wanted some fresh air and went outside to get some. luna spoke up and said that she does not believe him and she thinks there is something he is not telling her. blue stood his ground and still is denying the fact that luna is right and he needs to get help, he told luna everything is fine, and he just has a lot of things on his mind since the incident at the crystal empire. luna said "fine but i want to take a trip to the crystal empire to look for the reason cadence did that to us." blue agreed and the next morning they went to the crystal empire but something did not seem right. when they got off the train the guards held them at weapon point and said they were not allowed to leave until celestia arrives. it took about 15 minutes for celestia to arrive and when she did blue asked why this was happening. celestia said "do you really think the death of a princess would go unnoticed? i know you were involved with her death and i will punish you accordingly." blue looked scared and luna looked concerned, blue's inner voice urged him to kill celestia and the guards, but he resisted but he has unable to resist for long, he charged celestia and pulled his special sword out of his case and slashed celestia over the eye and dug the blade into celestia's side down to her wing and sliced part of her wingtip off, celestia cried out in agony and blue relentlessly sliced and dug the blade into celestia's flesh to the point where both blue, and celestia's fur was stained in blood. blue then tore celestia's other wing clean off her body and celestia was on the ground twitching in pain, blue then slashed the other 3 guards and tore their wings off and started cutting into their flesh starting at the neck and going down the stomach and going up the back, the further he went the further he dug the blade into their flesh, blue was covered in blood from mane to tail. blue had a large grin of enjoyment, blue then took the last guard and tore his horn off and blood covered his whole face and blue twisted his body to the point where its almost unrecognizable and there was a sickening snapping sound as the guards neck was twisted almost all the way around. the other guard surrendered because he did not want to be hurt, as soon as he said that blue snapped out of it and realized what had just happened. "wha- did i cause this? oh god what have i done? i cant control myself, these impulses are getting out of hand, i have to do something, and you, guard you better come with us so we make sure you don't tell anyone else about this, if anyone finds out i did this i will be locked in tartarus for eternity!" the guard saw what happened to the other guards so he complied with blue's order. they flew up to the crystal tower, when they got up there they saw cadence's twisted mangled body, luna said it looked like nothing physical that could have caused her to try to kidnap them. blue brought his mental illness book with him and flipped through the book and looked in the book for what cadence did, kidnapping, murderous outbursts and general insanity. blue thought it sounded familiar, kinda like what he had minus the kidnapping part. blue saw in the book that the mix of these symptoms meant that she had a psychotic breakdown and went insane and the last person she talked to was luna, and cadence knew luna was blue's husband so she tried luring blue out using his family against him. blue was worried that he would end up doing the same thing as her. blue spoke up and said that he knew what was wrong with cadence. he said "she had a psychotic breakdown and took it out on us because we were the last ones she talked to before the breakdown." luna then said "that would explain why she seemed to have something against you" "well now that we might have solved that i think we should go home now" said blue. by then the guard that blue told to follow them had left so they forgot about him and just left for the train back to canterlot. that night blue told luna that he was worried that someone would find out he was the one to kill 2 princesses. the next morning luna and blue went to ponyville to visit twilight's castle to look for more books about mental illness, or at least that's what blue was looking for, but he never told luna that as not to worry her, he told luna they were there to look for a cooking book just to distract long enough for him to find the right book, and while he was at it he looked for a book about eastern unicorns so he could find any info on spells to cure mental illness that eastern unicorns used. twilight was walking luna to the other end of the library where cooking books are and luna was actually looking for a cook book, but she had to look through a lot of them so it was good for blue since he would have more time to look. he found a book about clover the clever, and starswirl the bearded, but only one book on eastern unicorns and he hid the book and pretended that he was just looking around while luna found the right book, so they got the book and said bye to twilight and went back home, and when they did blue hid the book he took so no one could find it, and the next day he read the book and found a spell about healing one's mind of a certain mental illness. when he tried the spell he felt like it worked but the next minute he got a splitting headache and the voice came back and it was worse then ever. the voice kept repeating "kill her, kill her, kill her" he could not handle it anymore. blue's eyes were shades of gold and yellow, but they turned to the color of crimson, blue's mind was overtaken by the voice who seemed to take control of him, but a small part of his mind was able to think normally, all he could think about is how ever since he became an alicorn he had so many other pressures to deal with along side having so much raw, uncontrolled power he could not handle, at that moment luna walked in since she noticed he got up in the middle of the night, so she went to look for him and she found him in the other room, she noticed that his eyes were red instead of gold, and she knew something was wrong but she did not know what exactly but she teleports to the canterlot train station to take the train to ponyville to ask twilight for her help. when she got to ponyville she noticed that twilight was already at the station. "hey twilight why are you at the station? did you know i was coming to ponyville?" said luna, twilight responded with "i was going to go to canterlot to ask celestia if she knew starlight's evil past" luna replied with "celestia is not available for a while actually, she went to griffinstone for diplomacy reasons, and she wont be back for about a week or two." luna knew she could not keep the truth from twilight for long but she still tried to cover for blue even though she knows something is wrong with him right now. luna told twilight she was looking for another book, and it had to do with dark magic. twilight questioned "why are you looking for a book about dark magic?" luna said that blue's eyes were gold before and now they turned crimson red, so she wondered if it was because of dark magic. twilight lead her to the part of her library in her castle that had dark magic books and searched through them and found a book that told the affects of using dark magic are. luna decided that she was going to tell twilight the truth about what happened and why she came to ponyville to see her and why she was looking for dark magic. so luna told twilight all about how blue had a dark impulse, and killed cadence, celestia and some royal guards in a brutal way. twilight was shocked to know that blue would do anything like that, twilight knew blue was gentle and caring and always calm and collected when in a dangerous situation. but twilight was surprised when luna said that she thinks blue has this voice in his head telling to do bad things to others, but luna was not 100 percent sure about it, but twilight knew for a fact that she had to be right about the voice. "come on luna we have to get over there and help blue out now. if we don't he could be lost for good, we might be able to still fix this." luna was hesitant but agreed with twilight and they went back on the train to canterlot and when they got back they got back to the house as fast as they could, it was slightly foggy and raining out at the time, and when they got back they saw blue just sitting there on the bed, twilight knew something was off but could not tell, but she was proven wrong when blue leapt at her pulling his sword and slashing off her left wing, twilight fell to the ground in pain and luna stepped in by making a shield around the 2 of them. blue said "do you really think a shield can repel me? i am the most powerful being in all of equestria, and you might be an alicorn as well but i have more power then you because i have trained in other skills of magic." blue broke the shield and picked up twilight with his magic and started to tear her other wing off, and while doing that he drove his sword into twilight's heart and started to cut down her body down to her injured left wing and when she got to it he dug the sword as deep as he could into her flesh, and twilight was screaming in pain, but blue looked unphased by it, and in fact blue had seemed to be enjoying the pain he was inflicting on twilight. luna tried not to watch but luna came up with an idea on how to stop this, she entered others minds by dream-walking. luna's idea was to try to enter blue's mind to see what the cause of this is. luna had pinned blue down will he was stabbing twilight. when he was pinned luna entered his mind and most of it was emptiness and darkness but there was a small amount of light in the distance. when luna went over to it she found blue sitting there curled up into a ball, just laying there. luna reached out to blue and touched him on the shoulder but he gave no reaction at all. luna then said "blue I'm here to fix your mind and find what is causing you to have these, murderous tendencies." blue spoke up and said "there is no hope of saving me or fixing my mind. even if you snapped me out of it, and got rid of the dark impulses, my mind is way beyond the point of being repairable." suddenly a dark cloud formed and out of it formed what looked like blue, bit instead of blue fur his fur was black, he also had red eyes and blood stained fur and mane. "hello luna it has been a while since we last met, oh but you probably forgot who i am, my name is infinite void, i am your darkest fear come to life, i am the reason you snap and do things you would regret for the rest of your life." cloud was sick and slept all day and it was about 1:30pm on the thrusday after cadence kidnapped his family. cloud was sick and got sick on tuesday and slept all day, until now and when he went down the stairs after waking up he is terrified that his dad had blood soaked fur, twilight had both wings ripped off and was bleeding out, "cl-cloud is that you, please you have to hurry to canterlot and get the royal guard and a nurse. you have to just tell them to follow you because it is a very important situation. back in blue's mind void overpowered luna and kicked her out of his mind. blue kicked luna off of him and got up, grabbed his sword and dove towards luna and almost slashed her neck, but before he could the royal guard bursted in and pinned him back to the floor, and the nurse inspected twilight and picked her up. starlight happened to visit canterlot that week and when she saw someone getting the royal guard she wanted to see what the problem was, so she followed the guards and saw blue's house was where they were going, and when they got there starlight went in an saw what happened, twilight was gravely injured, luna was trying to protect her, and blue went insane. starlight stepped in and tried to fight blue off, but she knew she could not go toe to toe with an alicorn in a head on fight, even if they stil could not control most of their power. starlight teleported blue outside and starting blasting at blue and trying to temporarily freeze him with the same spell she used on twilight when she was evil. blue fired back with a powerful blast of lightning, starlight did not know much about the kirin except for they can control the elements like pegasi, starlight barely dodged the attack and she blasted back with a spell that hit blue and knocked him to the ground, luna joined in with starlight to put a spell on blue that would trap him in tartarus, but blue dodged it at the last second and the spell took a lot of their energy so they would not have as many chances to beat blue. blue then fired back with a powerful blast of magic and hit starlight directly and knocked her out and sent her flying backwards .blue then flew at starlight and pulled his sword out and started stabbing her, as starlight was being stabbed, she was screaming in pain as blue dug the blade as far into starlight's flesh as he could. starlight twitched in pain but she was stabbed so much that she died of blood loss, blue then started killing all of the royal guards that were there, and when it was done the only one left was luna, and blue. luna tried to reason with him saying "please blue i know deep in your mind you are trying to fight this, and i know you can win." blue hesitated for a second and it looked like he was snapping out of it, he charged luna and slashed her across the eye. as luna was killed blue stood over her. blue had killed anyone who could oppose him and now equestria has a insane alicorn on the loose.

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