Complicated love chapter 3 "Forever"

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I wake up without Colby in the bed. Didn't he the one wanting to stay in bed.

I sit up slowly and rub my eyes checking the time


I groan and look through my messages.

"From Mom: honey can you meet me for lunch, I need to tell you something, please."

What the hell.

I mean, I do have all these questions, about everything, maybe it's a good thing.

"To mom: hey yeah sure, text me the details."

"From mom: 12:45, at circle."

That use to be my favorite place.

It was a cute cafe, always had the best memories there.

I walk over to Colby room and see him sitting at his table on his computer.

"Oh hey, sorry I left bed early, had work."

"No it's okay, uh my mom texted me."

He turns away from the computer and looks at me. Then he motions me to sit on his lap.

I sit down on him and wrap my arms lightly around his neck.

"She texted to meet her in about 2 hours or so, I decided to go just to get answers, I promise."

"Are you sure."

"What do you not trust me, I thought you did."

"No i do, I just-"

"Colby I promise, okay, I promise you I am all here for you and the whole group, not them."

"I don't know" he responds.

I scoff and remove my arms and start to get off his lap.

"No stop, look I've had this happen before, I trusted someone and they were truthful."

He stands up looking at me.

"Okay but I'm not them, if you want me to trust you in all this missions with my life, you need to trust me."

He lets out a breath.

"Okay, fine."

That was easy, what the hell.

"Just keep me updated okay, let me know if anything happens. Got it?"

I nod and go into his closet.

"Where are you going."

"I am looking through your things, your t-shirts are cool."

He chuckled.


I change into my outfit and decided not to do my makeup.

Right when I was leaving Colby grabbed my arm.

"No goodbye."

"Not until you stopped me, I didn't want to bother your work."

"Never." He says leaning down and kissing me. Then going down my neck.

"No, nope, I gotta go." I say pushing him off.

"Okay fine, be safe text me if anything."

"Got it."


I get to circle and look around. I finally see a familiar face waving at me. I walk over to her and sit across.

"It's nice to see you my beautiful girl."


She surprised by my answer but doesn't say anything.

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