Time (2)

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"One often spend one's time wisely, but spend other's recklessly."

One of my first friends who passed away happened when I was in 11th grade. Not close, he was an acquaintance whom I know since we were in the same grade. He was only 17. The best year of a guy's life.

Another friend passed away in 2012. This time was a close one - we were in the same "squad" together, I visited her house many times. We had shared meals, laughter, tears, hopes and dreams. She passed away only a few weeks after our college graduation. She was only 22. The best year of a girl's life (ask Taylor Swift if you don't believe me).

"I'm only 5 minutes late. Why do you make such a fuss?"

Before the passings of my friends, I was the kind of guy who had an appointment at 10 and woke up at 9.45. When getting tons of texts and phone calls asking, "Where the heck are you?" - I would answer: "Almost there," but showed up 30 minutes later. I was a sloth.

I took my time during the "preparation", and let my friends wait. Only a couple of extra minutes, I thought. No big deal. They love me. They'll wait.

I treated my time very "wisely", and waste others' waiting for me.

After the passings, I often ask myself: "What if your friend is going to die tomorrow? What if he only has 1 more hour to live? Aren't you the biggest twat for taking their precious time?"

I'm not the only person with limited time. Everyone else's too. Being punctual is not only about respecting one's limited time, but also other's. Either it's 5 minutes or 24 hours, time is precious.

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