BGC11: JazMone

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JazMone "Jaz" Adams

BGC11: Miami

Los Angeles, CA

"The Misbehavin Model"

"The Misbehavin Model"

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Jazmone, Tiana, & Gigi vs Sarah

Jazmone, Gigi, & Teresa vs Janelle

JazMone & Tiana vs Janelle

Jazmone, Stephanie, Tiana, & Gigi vs Shanae

Jazmone & Benze vs Hailey

JazMone, Tiana, Stephanie, Gigi, & Benze vs Hailey

JazMone vs Janelle (Reunion) (Round 1)

JazMone vs Janelle (Round 2) (reunion)

JazMone & Tiana vs Janelle (reunion)

Why JazMone is the worst bad girl?

She's so damn horrible! She's always have a problem with everybody. First it was Sarah: her and Sarah became friends at first, when Gigi came to the house then Sarah picking on Gigi, then, it became a problem to Jaz. Jaz tried to fight Sarah one on one but so called "The Wolf Pack" friends helped her to win. When Janelle came to the house, she flipped her hair against Jaz, but Jaz thinks that's a problem. Janelle didn't anything wrong to her so idk why Jaz hating on Janelle. It felt like Jaz is so obsessed at Janelle. Then here's Shanae, Jaz got mad at Shanae for no reason just because Shanae dance way better than Jaz and the other girls, however Jaz thinks that Shanae let the girls down and other girls. Then Andrea, yes Andrea admits that she put the hot sauce on the girls' juice then and the other girls to plan to jump on her. Last but not least, Hailey. She was jealous of Hailey. Yes, Hailey throws up but didn't clean it up. Jaz and the Wolf Pack jumped her and the next day, Her, Tiana, & Gigi touched and packed Hailey's stuff to send at the front door of the house to make her go home. Idk why she made it to the end. Her outfit that she wear at the reunion.... It was terrible. Her hair looks like she stole it from crackhead woman head, trash bag crop top, white pants and white shoes that don't match. Plus.... She got no EDGES!!!!!

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