Meet new people

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A/N hi uuummmm you are 4 and izuku and bakugo are still friends in this will have a good bay ....... I MEAN DAY 😔 sorry, will in joy 🤗

Your POV '
(I feel weird... I hate meeting new people why did we have to move again) *sigh* 'what's wrong little bug' dad asked 'nothing it's just that why did we have to move i mean I happy about that it's just-' 'you have to meet new people? 'yeah' 'haha will you are going to have to get over that soon' 'huh why' 'because your mother is coming over with the neighbor' 'will thanks for the heads up dad😑' mom walked over to us with some woman she had blonde hair and it looked like a Pomeranian .. hehe Pomeranian I was thinking but someone hit my head I looked at who it was it was my dad he then said 'smile and make it look like you enjoy meeting new people' he said that with a smile on he'sface *sigh*

I get hit again by my dad 🙄😊 then my mom was right Next to us  'will this is my husband d/n and this is my daughter y/n' my mom said 'it's nice to meet you my name is mitsuki I would like you to meet my husband but he's at work at the moment but...

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I get hit again by my dad 🙄😊 then my mom was right Next to us 'will this is my husband d/n and this is my daughter y/n' my mom said 'it's nice to meet you my name is mitsuki I would like you to meet my husband but he's at work at the moment but I do have a son your age y/n' 'will did you hear that y/n you can make a new friend' mom said 'he's at the park right now if want to meet him' 'will y/n' 'I'll take y/n to the park why don't you ladies talk and get to know each other and maybe we can have dinner together some day and I can meet your husband' dad said 'that's a great idea sweetheart what do you think mitsuki' 'I think it's a great idea' 'let's go y/n ' (great more people) 'coming dad' we got to the park ,we walked by the way is not that far from our house 'do I have to dad' 'yes you do so get your little butt out the and make friends' I huffed 'okay' I walked down to the playground and saw these boys I was going to go up to them but I saw a sandbox so I started to play with the sand then the sun disappeared( hey where the sun go )so I looked up it was a boy with green hair 'um hi'

Midoriya POV
I was playing with kacchan and his friends until i saw a girl playing by herself and she looked lonely so I went over there to say hi but I got nervous so I walked slowly to her then I was in front of her she looked up at me and I said 'um hi '

Your POV
The little broccoli haired kid came up to me and said hi so of course I said hi back then he said 'umm is it okay if I play with you' 'sure oh and my name is y/n l/n' I stuck my hand out so he can shake it ' my name is Izuku midoriya ' then from there we started to talk and dig a hole in the sand we were have fun 'hey y/n' 'yeah' 'do you want to be my friend' 'really' 'yeah' 'okay! 'Do you want to go on the slide with me y/n ' 'sure' we were about to get on the slide until 'hey deku' we tuned our heads and there was a boy with blonde hair he's kind of looks like mrs.mitsuki hair must be her son 'I was looking everywhere for you' the blonde kid said 'sorry kacchan I was playing with y/n' he tuned he's head towards me we made eye contact

Bakugo POV
I tuned my head and saw the most beautiful girl I've ever seen her e/c eyes and l/h h/c hair it flowed in the wined so perfect and the away her s/c was in the sun then I realized she staring at me 😳 'um deku who's that' I asked trying to hide my blush

Your POV
'Deku who's that' the boy asked 'oh this is y/n and were did your friends go kacchan' 'they left a long time ago so do you guys want to play? 'Sure what do you want to play' 'how about tag' I said 'okay! 'Sure' 'oh um what's your name I'm y/n l/n' 'I'm katsuki bakugo' 'nice to meet you annnnd tag your it hahaha' 'hey why you I'm going to get you.'

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