001. hinata; overworked

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hinata - angst

aimed to reach the top, hinata shoyo never stopped to achieve his life-long goal. being the next little giant seemed as if it was the only thing he was aiming, striving for the finish line and finally being able to call himself one of the top volleyball players.

it wasn't that he had the incapability to climb and succeed, it was the lack of stamina and hatred of what he others kept thinking of him that continuously slowed him down. not only did the change of attitude affected the orange-haired, but his team mates as well.

they were worried yet horribly annoyed. with each minute they played with hinata, the more they wanted to strangle him for being too uptight and much of an over-reactor. it had been more than several where they brought up this argument, saying how he should tone it down with the matches.

then there was hinata, ignoring each and every one of their complaints and bringing it down with excuses. this wasn't like him, it wasn't like him at all to be so ignorant and disobedient to these. it was as if someone took over him due to the over dedication.

what were they supposed to do? kick hinata out until he finally learned his lesson? knowing what he is right now, that would be close to what hell would be like. the banging on the sliding doors and the screams emitted would cause anyone into a fit of madness and rage.

what exactly happened to hinata, it's not as if he changed over night. that would be ridiculous and lazy to put in.

the stress put on him made him a total wreck, a disaster. the dedication had withered any happiness that made hinata who he used to be. without that necessity, all aspect of his personality would be gone.

think of it this way. a sun without its light would lose its purpose. comparing it to hinata, this is practically the same thing.

the comparison wasn't needed, i just had to put that in.

over the time, he lost all his color, getting more and more furious towards his peers while pushing himself over the limit in order to win. obviously, this took a horrible turn which lead to a broken boy and the loss of his friends.

it was getting to the point where daichi has the urge to throw him out of the team. sugawara, being the overprotective mom he is, told him he was 'over-reacting' and that this was just a phase.

'just a phase my ass' they all knew this was more than that, something that would be permanent if nothing was done to decrease it.

now, you must be thinking i'm oa (overacting) for writing but believe the author, this is some serious shit that needs to be stopped or at least calm down.

walking down the halls of the gym, hinata grumbled as he saw no sight of the other members. it was training time, there wouldn't be any reason why they all decided to not show up.

the bucket of volleyballs were placed beside him as leaned sideways, he didn't want to wait for them nor did he want to stand while doing so. taking a ball in his hand, he threw it across the court. having nothing better to do, the throwing continued.

'hinata, what the hell do you think you're doing?' shouts were heard at the entrance, signifying that they had finally came. daichi and sugawara looked around to find volleyballs littering the floor while a smug smile could be seen on hinata's face.

this wasn't the last of his schemes, several more incidents which hinata claimed to be as 'accidents' formed once again. tsukishima and kageyama, having enough of his bullshit, left mid-way practice, the others slowly following their footsteps soon after.

this has left sugawara, daichi and the hot-head alone in the spacious area. this gave a pathway into the subject everyone feared of talking about.

standing in front of the orange-haired, daichi crosses his arms and gave a look of dominance onto the boy.

'hinata, this has gone on way too long. if you don't stop this nonsense, you're going to end up being kicked onto the streets'

'this is bullshit and you know it. your team can't survive without me.'

'you're right, it can't. but if it means not dealing with your bitchy attitude, we'll gladly kick you out."

'i have no idea what has come over you hinata, you used to be so nice to us.' sugawara had joined the conversation, trying to fit in his thoughts on the matter,

'you all were shitheads anyways.' storming off, a last scoff and sigh was heard before the doors closed.

everything was so out of character for him, none of the members were used to this. it had gone for way too long that even tsukishima started praying that the old hinata would come back eventually.

the stress of being number one had finally gotten to him. blocking out all his 'friends' and family without giving a proper goodbye. this was the end of hinata.

the more he worked, the more he got worse: snapping at people without any reason to justify, smashing household items if he didn't get what he wanted to when he was stressed, physical abuse to his sister and once almost lighting his house on fire.

despite his hard efforts, all he got was being alone and feared. everyone surrounding him didn't dare talk due to the fear of him going feral. more rumors spreading around karasuno which made even more people despise him and his ugly personality.

all he ever did was practice volleyball alone, wanting to be better than the 'little giant.'

until one day, he collapsed. overworked himself so much, he wasn't able to do any physical activities anymore. wrinkles started appearing on his head, making him look older than his age.

all of this; for what?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06 ⏰

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