Chapter 12

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Finally, she reached the house and walked inside. "I found one" she told Klaus.

"And I plan on waking up Damon now since you have the blood you need for now"

Klaus looked up when he heard Hope. "Alright." He didn't really have a problem with it considering he was heading out of town anyway. "I'm glad you found what you were looking for." It saved him time in having to search for that as well.

Hope undid the spell with a muttered word and the wave of her hand, waking up Damon. She then walked towards Klaus and looked down at the prism

Damon slowly opened his eyes and then quickly stood up when he remembered the last thing that happened. His first instinct was to find Elena, and once he caught sight of her he hurriedly went to her.

"Are you okay?" He asked softly, placing a hand on her cheek.

"I'm fine" Elena said, looking at Damon, looking at him in relief. She had been really worried about him.

"Alright, you two. Let's get home" Stefan said, looking at his brother and Elena, not caring that they both seemed so wrapped up in each other

Damon barely even heard Stefan as he looked into Elena's eyes, making sure she was in fact okay. She looked weak. And after noticing the blood bags, he realized why. He didn't hesitate before lifting Elena in his arms. "Okay. Now we can go."

Elena's eyes drifted shut a little from exhaustion as she laid in his arms, not complaining about him holding her. Not right now. Damon headed out of the house holding Elena tightly

Klaus paid no mind to Damon and instead looked at Hope. "Are you ready to go?"

"I'm ready" Hope replied, looking at Klaus.

Klaus nodded and led her to the door. "Stefan. Don't forget to watch Elena until I get back."

Stefan internally sighed. He had had a loophole until that moment. Now he was stuck being a babysitter.

Hope headed out of the house and towards the car

Damon headed out of the house holding Elena tightly in his arms. He didn't bother waiting for his brother. Right now Stefan wasn't himself and he didn't want to deal with that. His priority was Elena.

"Are you sure you're okay?" He asked glancing at her.

"I'm fine. I'm just... tired" Elena said, looking at Damon. "Klaus figured out why his hybrids weren't transitioning properly" she told him.

Damon walked down the street, keeping her secure in his arms. "Judging by the amount of blood he took from you, let me guess. You're not just the key to breaking the curse, you're also the key to making the hybrids." He mumbled as a sigh left his lips. It definitely made everything a whole lot more complicated. But at the same time, it did assure her safety from Klaus.

"And who's the closest werewolf we know?" Elena mumbled, looking up at him. "His witch is dangerous. She healed, Damon"

"Tyler Lockwood." Damon sighed once more, hating every second of this. Klaus was unstoppable before. Now with proper hybrids he was truly invincible. He knew he wouldn't kill Elena. Not if he needed her blood. But that didn't sit well with him either. She wasn't a human blood bag for him to use whenever he pleased. "Wait what?" He frowned when he heard her following words. "What do you mean she...that's impossible. Even if she had a healing spell it wouldn't work that fast. And the way I stabbed her I should've killed her pretty quickly." Now he needed to find out more about her. "Do you know her name?"

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