chapter 5

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Pov class 1A
We didn't end the call to see what izuku would do then we heard "baby~~~~~" "yeah izuku" "does you ass still hurt or do you want to have another round" "we have school tomorrowand we cant fuck everyday like your dads" "fine" "oh yeah im toping you next time" "we'll see about that" "Ah~~~~~" "shhh i dont need axel hearing us i'll be soft this time" we were all suprised hearing this he had gone to America and turned out like this what happened to him, mina ended the call

3ed pov
Izuku and moon fucked but only 4 round this time moon ended up going to school in a wheelchair

Izuku pov
"You are a bitch izuku" moon says "i know you love me" i say "you are an ass" moon says "but im your ass and i'll be bottom next time ok" i say "ok lets get home now" moon says "ok bunny" i say we headed home aftrr a long day at school "hey axel, anna, anika how are you guys" i said "good" they all said

Time skip 2 weeks
3ed pov
Its been  2 weeks since izuku and moon had sex. They were to busy being crackheads and spray painting the city and moon wants to have sex
Moon pov
"Baby im horny" i said "ok so what do you want to do" izuku said "i want to have sex babe" i said and i picked up izuku up and threw him on our bed and i heard "ACK bunny im top remember" izuku said "nope im top today ok" i said "fine but go soft ok" izuku said "ok" i said and started to kiss his neck "ah~~bunny" izuku said i moved down on his neck "Ah~~~ Ah~~ ahhhh~~~" izuku yelled and i new i found his soft spot and i gave him hickeys and bite marks all over his torso "suck" i said as i shoved 4 fingers in his mouth about 3 minutes later i took them out and put 1 in his ass "Ah~~~" "you like that" i said "yeah" izuku said then i added my 3 other finger in and "Ahhhhh~~~~~" izuku yelled

Time skip to after there done
Izuku pov
"My ass hurts asshole" i said "well now you know how i felt" moon said "go get me ice cream" i demanded "ok" moon said and he walked off then came back a minute leter with ice cream "thank  you but can i get another tattoo today since i cant walk" i asked "yeah ok you can get another tattoo" moon said
I got this tattoo👇

Time skip to after there done Izuku pov "My ass hurts asshole" i said "well now you know how i felt" moon said "go get me ice cream" i demanded "ok" moon said and he walked off then came back a minute leter with ice cream "thank  you but can i get...

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On my ankle

Time skip to 3ed year izuku stayed there instead of heading back to Japan after 1st year
Izuku pov
It was a normal day in class when the teacher said "attention class i have an announcement to make a 3ed year hero course from Japan is coming here in 2 days to help them get better please behave ok they will be here for a week" i thought to my self could it be UA no it cant be or atleast i hope it isn't and apparently moon could see i tensed up and he walked over and sat on my lap.and said "its ok izuku clam down ok also im hungry" (every once im a while moon and ankia have to have fresh blood from a live human so izuku and anna let there partner drink some of there blood) "ok here" i moved my hoodie away from my neck and let moon bite him izuku had no reaction to moon biting him because this hapened like twice a week not because moon needs fresh blood he just perfers izukus blood and its monday so wensday he will want more also the class and teacher now about the blood drinking and they just see it as a normal thing

Class 3a at the same time
"Attention class i have an announcement to make we are going to America in 2 days and we will stay there for a week at one of my friends houses now go pack" aizawa said and class 3A left and went to pack

Time skip to wensday
3ed pov
"Baby im hungry" moon said "ok here only a little you can have more latter" izuku said as he moved his hoodie over so his cute bf can suck his blood as moon was eating some of izukus blood the teacher announced that the 3ed year class was here the class walked in and spoted a familiar face in the class with a human sitting on his lap eating at his shoulder. "Hey izuku" tokoyami said (tokoyami, denki, sero and aizawa kept in touch with izuku so they know about his vampire bf, group, and his tattoos and piercings and they accept him for who he is) "oh hey tokoyami how are you" izuku said "im good you" tokoyami said "im alive so i guess im good" izuku joked "i see you got a problem here" aizawa joked waving his hand near his neck "oh yea thats enough baby" izuku said rubbing moons back "fine" moon said and licked izukus shoulder where he bit him then wiped his mouth and turned around to face the class that just walked in the door then "DEKU YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND" a certain angry pomeranian yelled "yeah i have a bf so what" izuku said pulling out a cigarette and lightning it "smoking is bad for your lungs and as a soon pro hero you shouldn't be smoking" iida said doing his famous hand chop "i already am a pro hero and i can smoke all i want" izuku said irritated "ok anna, anika, axel, moon and izuku you all can go now" the teacher said and the whole group walked out the door then momo asked "ma'ma may i ask why they were told they could leave early" "well there all already pros but they need there education so they continue school but they get to leave every class early" the teacher said "and please call me miss. Smith"

Time skip to when the group got home they skiped training

Izuku pov
"Baby im hungry" i said "good me to and i want blood and dick" moon said "ok lets go" i said and we walked into our room and i locked the door because i knew that my class was gonna stay at my house while there here "which do you want first dick or blood" i asked walking toward moon "dick"   moon said and got off the bed pusbed me down riped off my pants and started stroking my cock "Ah~~ bunny that feels good" i moaned and moon smirked and stroked my cock faster "Ahh~~~~ bunny" i moaned and i grabbed his head and shoved it onto my cock he started to suck my cock and then i heard knock at my door so i got up threw in some pants and opened my door to see the whole class 3A at my bedroom door "hey midoriya where's our rooms" iida asked "down the hall take a right at the 5th door there are 12 bedrooms and aizawa, denki, tokoyami, sero you know where your rooms are go ahead" i said annoyed"baby come back we were having fun" moon yelled "ok one sec" i yelled back "bye" i said and slammed my door shut before anyone could say anything and locked it i turned around walked back over to moon and riped off his shirt and pants then i did the same for myself and ha said "baby you ok you seem mad" moon asked "i am mad they stoped our fun so now im gonna fuck you senseless" i responded "ok but dont be mad when i cant walk tomorrow" moon said "fine ill be soft" i said "Ah~~~~Ahhhh~~baby" moon moaned and i shoved my cock in his ass he was to distracted talking to me he didn't realize i took off his boxers and lined up my dick with his ass "oops sorry to hard" i said sarcastically "not funny" moon said

Time skip to dinner

izuku and moon fucked along with anika and anna and yuri and victor they all fucked but suprise denki snd shinso also fucked present mic wasn't there to get fucked by aizawa so yeah 4 couples fucked

Aizawa pov
It was time for diner when my class all came down except for shinso and denki then 4 couples came down the stairs the bottoms were walding down while the tops were wondering if they should pick them up (tops izuku, anika, yuri and shinso) (bottoms moon, anna, victor and denki) the tops ended up picking them up even though all the tops whent soft on there bottoms only one round for each "looks like some of yall cant walk" aizawa stated "not the time shota" victor said (victor and aizawa are cousins to make things more interesting) "he fucked you up" aizawa said only to have a pillow thrown at him "bitch" victor said he threw the pillow and yuri put his bottom on the couch and so did the rest of the tops and moon was in the dest shape because izuku went really soft on him "that hurt" aizawa said and class 3A watched as there teacher and midoriyas dad joked around until mina said "are yall related or something" "yeah" victor and aizawa said at the same time "ok cool, lets eat please" mina said "ok" aizawa said

The end 1609 words bye pups

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