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Season 2 episode 9

"Well, isn't this place rather nice? Nik must have compelled a wine lover to keep it up, because I found a 2005 Bordeaux. Fancy sip?"Rebekah asks.

"Appreciate the sentiment, Rebekah. But i do recognize when I'm being handled with kid gloves."Elijah tells his sister.

"How are you feeling?"

"Patronized. I am here to protect you."Elijah says as he looks at the the three babies.

"I know you mean to."

"Yet you find it necessary to render me unconscious before bringing me here."Elijah says.

"Well, you weren't yourself, and I needed to get us out of that diner. What happened back there?"Rebekah tells Elijah.

"I don't know. Niklaus send me protect the twins and hope. My job is to keep the three of them safe."Elijah says.

"I have to change Xavier diaper."Rebekah grabs Xavier as he smiles at Rebekah.

Rebekah comes out with Xavier as Elijah has hope and blair outside. She puts Xavier next to Hope.

"It's alright, Elijah. They won't break. Everything you did was in the name of protecting them. I'm not worried."Rebekah says. Hope cries as Elijah picks her up.

"Hi sweetheart. Is that what I think it is?"

"It's bonfire season, and I am reviewing a family tradition. Especially since we're all gonna be together. Only because we're fleeing from one of our deranged parents. Another Mikaelson family tradition. It's a peculiar thing. Never to be tired, yet forever exhausted by the sameness of things. Why is our family always at war."Klaus says as Rebekah picks up Blair and Xavier.

"I don't know. But being with them made me things differently. We're not so bad. Not the monsters that our parents think we are."She says and chuckles. Klaus, Ophelia and Hayley came. As Ophelia gets out of the car also Hayley and Klaus. She runs up to them and grabs the twins.  As Hayley does the same with Hope.


"Cause of the firstborn? What the hell is that supposed to be?"Rebekah asks.

"The twins are stronger than ever with each other ,According to finn, our sister Freya didn't die of plague. She was taken as payment by our aunt dahlia. Who then cursed all Mikaelson firstborns for eternity."Klaus says.

"Is that true?"Hayley asks.

"It is if we're to believe finn. Who learned it form that bastion of truth, our mother."Elijah says.

"No wonder Finn hates us. He lost the sister he adored. And instead got a judges pack of siblings who found him unbearably full."Bex says.

"Great, is there any chance of us running into your lonny Aunt Dahlia soon?"Hayley asks.

"Fables over a thousand years old. Dahlia long dead."Elijah replies.

"Like Esther?"Ophelia asks.

"No one is going to hurt Hope , Blair and Xavier because no one going to find them. That's enough wood, Rebekah. You'll burn down the whole bloody states of Arkansas."Klaus says.

"We're just missing a key ingredient."

"No we're not."

"Yes, we are, Nik. Back me up, Elijah."Rebekah says as Elijah chuckles.

"I suspect Niklaus would rather choke on the ashes."Elijah says.

"What are you all talking about?"Hayley asks

"Well, Before we light it, we write down our wishes for each other, to burn for luck. It was Kol favorite part when we were kids."Rebekah says.

"Further evidence as to why we should ignore it."

"Hope and the twins first bonfire season. I like it We're doing it."Hayley says.

"Fine."Ophelia says as she follows Hayley.


Klaus and Hayley are talking while Ophelia was with her kids as Xavier chuckles.

"You guys are my happiness."Ophelia says. As she changes Blair diapers.

"Well the love of your life is marrying some one else when she's in love with you."Ophelia hears Hayley and ignores it.

Ophelia was holding the twins as she Xavier was touching his mother face.

"Hey, Look what I found! I wonder if it'll work."Rebekah says.

"Oh, bloody hell."

"Come on, let's try. Hey, Nik, do you think you can cram us into a selfie?"Rebekah asks.

"Honey, Klaus is the virtuoso of cramming his siblings into confined spaces."Elijah says.

"I'm glad I tracked hundreds of miles to visit my mentally ill brother. Only to have him insult me to my face."Klaus says.

"Come take a picture."Rebekah says all of them smiled at the picture.

"See? I wish it that it could always be like this."

"If wishes were horses."

"Beggars would ride. You realize we'll have to burn it. You want me to make a wish for the family, Rebekah. I wish it didn't have to be like this but it does. We can't rush it falling into the wrong hands."Klaus says. Blair reaches her hands so Klaus can pick her up.

"She wants you to pick her up. She's so lovely and crazy."Rebekah says and chuckles. As the family chuckles.

"Oh. Okay. Here you go sweetheart."Klaus picks up her daughter. Hayley throws the picture.

"No this isn't right. We deserve this. We've earned this. I won't let it slip away. I know what to do to stop Esther."Rebekah says.

"Rebekah, no."

"I'm gonna take her deal. And when I do, I'm taking her down with me."Rebekah says.


"Oh gosh. It's hard feeding you two. Okay sh sh."Ophelia calms the babies down and feeds them as they both fall asleep.

"This is my wish for you, love."Klaus says as he comes in. Ophelia puts her hand on his cheek. She leans in as Klaus does the same. He picks her up and vamps speed as he puts her on the table as the both make out. Ophelia wasn't in love with Brian she was in love with Klaus. Yes he deserves better, As Ophelia knew she fall in love the  wrong guy but who cares. The both are making out as Klaus kisses her body as she moans.

Well Klaus and Ophelia just had sex.



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