Camp Half Hell

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Percy/Omega's POV

I landed with the other chaos soldiers in the dining pavilion. Everyone else looked at us. I spotted Piper and Jason sitting with each other with a miserable and confused look. Annabitch was still snogging with the bastard and Leo was looking extremely miserable and surprised. 

Then the campers or so called heroes asked us stupid questions. I introduced myself as Omega and the second most powerful being right below chaos. I then introduced the rest of the army. The campers started asking more stupid questions like are you single and who are you again? I said I'm not single and that I am dating Luna and I put my arm around her. She giggled and blushed. 

Annabeth's POV

I was snogging with my boyfriend my the chaos soldiers appeared. They introduced themselves and they all seem very similar. I was also a bit angry at how mighty they acted. Who are they and who do they think they are? The only person who can act higher than all of us are Percy, Nico, and Thalia.

Percy's POV

Chiron said that they can't thank us about how thankful they are for our help. We just said your welcome and asks where can we build or put our cabin. He said we can put it by Zeus's cabin. The b*tch then asked how are they able to trust us. I was shaking with rage and yelled are you questioning Chaos himself? She got scared and backed off. The boy he was snogging with then came up to stand up for her so I proposed a battle in the arena. I told him that he will be facing our weakest soldier. I picked Sugar and the boy that Annabeth was snogging with or Julius. 

We went next to Zeus's cabin and started muttering Latin and We got to the arena. Julius took out the Riptide and I told Sugar that I will be fighting this bastard myself. I took out Midnight which Forge crafted for me. It can cut through any metal except for the material it is made of, Chaos Bronze. I got ready and I broke my favorite sword before I had Midnight and was on top of him in almost 2 seconds. 

Everyone was shocked and the replacement of Thalia or Ava came up and challenged Luna. Thalia challenged her replacement and have the same result. Nico's replacement or James challenged Pollux but Skeleton fought him. Skeleton too have the same result. We broke all of the swords that they challenged us with which they think is "Unbreakable". We then all took out our swords. We held it up and we said challenge us if you don't like it. No one stood out and the b*tch asked if when will we show our real identity. 

I said whoever here want to because I am not doing it. Chaos himself appeared and ordered us to show our real identity. I was about to explode another planet when he told me to calm down and what I was about to do. The replacements laughed but I opened up a void straight to the Tartarus and they shut up.

Someone then snuck up to Sugar and pulled his hood off. It was one of the Stoll brothers so I yelled, "THAT'S IT! NO HELP FROM US IN THE NEXT 24 HOURS WHAT SO EVER. WE WILL SHOW OUR IDENTITY IN 3 DAYS BUT THIS DAY DOESN'T COUNT!" The Stolls looked surprised at first but then got scared then backed off. We stormed to our cabin all angry leaving back a bunch of confused campers.

Annabeth's POV

Is that Pollux? What? What if the monsters attack in the next 24 hours and we can't fend them off ourselves? Welp, I just got to hope for the best.

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