when we left the hall we went to the queen quarters and settled down. the twins had their room together and moony stayed with me. when the feast was over the professors, headmistress and vice headmaster were in the office waiting for us. we walked into the office and sat down. we looked around and saw the weasleys and i growled and gripped the twins hand protectively as they layed their heads on my shoulders.

" hello everyone and thank you for being here. so since I am queen hogwarts I called this meeting so you can ask any questions."

" I have a question, why did you call headmistress your aunt and severus your uncle from what I know he only has one godson." lord malfoy asked

" okay as you know I am a slytherin that is my last name but I am not the daughter of salazar. I am the daughter of lady hectate or holly's mother, the daughter of lucifer and death aka killian preverell. I was allowed to choose my relatives before I came to earth as I died in the hands of magic hating muggles that dumbledore left me with. I was shot one bullet to the chest and one to the head. so I was given a second chance at life to change the future. I trust severus because he helped me in my last life and minevra was my head of house and one of my favorites."

"okay next question, why are your kids named after three of the marauders and why do the twins look like the weasley twins who went missing?" sirius asked. I squeezed the twins hands then wrapped my arms around them running my hands through their hair to calm them down.

"firstly, my kids are named after the marauders because I am related to sirius who is padfoot and because the twins are pranksters so I named them after two of the best pranksters I know and moony is named after remus who was one of the softies of the marauders and smarter. All of my kids are adopted. Moony was being abused by her father in a ally and I took her in after I killed the father when he pulled a knife to stab her and was about to use the killing curse on her. The twins look like the weasley twins because they were the weasley twins that disappeared years ago. I found them infront of my villa covered in blood and had alot of broken bones. They were beaten to the brink of death by molly weasley because of a FRICKEN HARMLESS prank on the bwl. I took them in and raised them the ways of a marauder and now they are the best pranksters other than the marauders. they even own the marauders prank shop in diagon ally."

I say in a deadly calm tone glaring at molly who looked proud. I was starting to loose it so I handed padfoot, moony and stood up.

"listen to me and listen to me well Molly weasley, you cannot abuse two magical twins because of a HARMLESS PRANK ON A BOY. they didn't deserve that and I could use my resources to put you in askaban TODAY. so wipe that fricking smile off your face before I do it for you." i growled as my eyes turned gold and i walked back to the kids and took moony and sat down bouncing her on my leg.

The twins looked at each other and smiled. they were happy to have kevy as their mom/sister. "anyways any more questions?"

"yes one more, how many titles do you have if you don't mind me asking?" asked narcissa.

"before I answer that, I want the potters and weasleys out of here now." then they left.

i took some deep breaths to calm myself down and said

" just saying sev you are the godfather of padfoot, minnie you are the godmother of moony and siri you and remmy are the godparents of prongslet. good now for the answer I have 15 ladyships and 11 titles."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2021 ⏰

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