Night out - cmon cmon

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*Fast forward to the present*
management tells Louis to get ready as he and this girl need to go out in order for publicity so they go to a club , Louis quickly looses interest in the girl he came with as his eyes fall on a girl he saw across the room

louis tomlinsons pov"
I see this girl and she looks like my next mistake

"The one that I came with"

I walked into the club with my ex girlfriend (she can be whoever you want it to be)

"She had to go"

She walked off because she saw some guy she looked interested in

"But you look amazing"

This girl that caught my eye makes me go crazy knowing she's not mines

"Standing alone"

Her friends just left her alone nows my chance to talk to her

"So cmon cmon"

Why am I so nervous to talk to her

"Move a little closer now "

I take a few steps forward

"Cmon cmon ain't no way of walking out"

I'm about 3 feet away from her

"Cmon cmon show me what you all about "

Prove to yourself that you want her enough to make
a fool out of yourself

"Yeah I've been watching you all night"

I chicken out and watch her all night

"There's something in your eyes"

There's a sparkle in her eyes that make me want to
go back to try to talk to her

"Saying cmon cmon and dance with me baby"

Thinking in my head how bad I want to dance with this girl

"Yeah the music is so loud "

If I scream I doubt she'd hear me

"I wanna be yours now"

I want you to be mines and I want to be the only person you look for

"So cmon cmon and dance with me baby"

I'm still to afraid to ask her to dance with me

"The one that I came with "

My ex just left with a guy

"Didn't know how to move"

Clearly that's why we broke up

"But the way you let your hair down "

She flips her hair away from her face

"I can tell that you do"

In such a way it looks as if she's dancing

"So cmon cmon move a little closer now "

"Cmon cmon ain't now way of walking out"

Cmon cmon show me what you all about "

"Yeah I've been watching you all night"

"There's something in your eyes"

This girl is different I need to know her

"Saying cmon cmon and dance with me baby"

"Yeah the music is so loud "

Way to loud for her to realize whats going on

"I wanna be yours now"

Is all I want to hear her say to me

"So cmon cmon and dance with me baby"

"Every step I take"

My heart beats faster and faster

"I feel it more and more"

"She's calling out"

"She's a lucky girl"

"My heart is racing "

"She's turning around"

"I reach for her hand"

"And I say..."

"Hey I've been watching you all night there's
something in your eyes"

To his surprise she looks at him and says "Louis?"Or so he thought

"Saying cmon cmon and dance with me baby"

"Yeah the music is so loud "

"I wanna be yours now"

"So cmon cmon and dance with me baby"

"Cmon cmon and dance with me baby"

The two end up spending the night dancing extremely close to each other and skipped the uncomfortable talking stage
To be continued ...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2021 ⏰

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