Part two: Windowsill Paintings

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Hello there, sluts


Harry has always loved the camera. Well, not so much the attention he gets from the media and the accompanying camera crews, but more the photography and recording of what he considers to be special and worthy of mention.

It has always surprised me, when I first met him I had the feeling he would rather be in front of the camera than behind it, but appearances can be deceptive. He does not like to show this to people, but fortunately I can look at his photos with all my pride.

And don't get me wrong, I think it's super nice that he likes photography so much, but sometimes I'm also done with being photographed all the time. Being the "special object" for his photo every time.

Just like now.

"Relax your shoulders a little more," I hear him say. Everything has to be perfect, even the shoulders. "H, how long do I have to stand like this then?" I ask. Okay, maybe I'm just a little impatient but I've really been standing here for at least ten minutes now. In the same position.

"Just a little while longer, maybe another position?" Harry says and I turn around so I can look at him. "You don't normally ask that do you?"

It's driving him crazy, I know it and I can see it. But he won't admit it. He rolls his eyes and steps back a little to give me room. "So, how do you want me?" I speak up.

Good choice of words, I know.

"Now, can you just wait until I'm done with the picture? Fuck sake" He says and I start laughing. Got it.

"How about you sit up against the wall with one leg on the windowsill, is that fun?" He asks and even though it is his own work, he always needs some assurance that it is good and beautiful.

I nod and move until I'm sitting exactly as Harry had said. This also causes my dress, with a slit, to pull up slightly and so I have to put my hand in front of my crotch as otherwise it will be a different kind of photo.

Which Harry probably wouldn't mind and would most likely hang up in the middle of the living room, but well, his jealousy is too high to sell it. And that is precisely the purpose of this living room photo shoot.

Harry shoots some pictures and I pose as much and as well as I can. Hopefully by the end he'll have enough photos to choose from. "Maybe it will give the photo an extra touch if you don't cover your crotch," Harry says suddenly after shooting over an estimated 40 photos.

I give him a slanted look and raise an eyebrow. Is he serious?

Well, if it can be done in a decent way then there is nothing wrong with it, right?

So I remove my hand from my crotch and place both hands behind me, I throw my head back a tiny bit and try to look at the camera with as much nonchalance as possible. "Something like that?"

Harry only gives a nod and immediately goes back to shooting, afraid of losing this pose. "Pull your legs up is so your knees touch your chest," He says and, good girl that I am, immediately follows his demand.

As I sit in this position the strap of the dress falls off my shoulder and I let it be and look away. "You really don't realize all the things you are doing to me Stella" Harry says to which I 'accidentally' let my other strap fall off as well.


"If you keep going like this you can expect to not be this flexible tomorrow, pet." He says as he moves closer in the meantime. I pretend I have no interest in it and still look away.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2021 ⏰

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