2| I'm not to play with

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(Ashley's POV)

"Billie?" I asked.

"Yes Billie that's her name."

"Ok umm.. I'll stay away as much as possible from her and her friend group." I said trying to calm them down.

Was Billie really that bad?

Then I hope to never come across her because I wanna have a chill school year. Not that school is fun anyways but you know what I mean.

I went to my locker (which luckily was in between Ag's and Dev's locker) to get my stuff for my first period class.

"Do I have English class with any of you?"  I asked as my nervousness started to kick in.

"Uh I have English with you." Dev said.

"What about you Ag?"

"I have history. I'll see you guys later tho."

"Okay love you." I said.

"Love you too."

We separated and went different ways. Me and Dev started heading to class. It's a shame that Ag doesn't have first period with us.

As soon as we walked in I saw half the classroom was already full and some people were in their seats.

But this girl caught my eye. Billie. I looked at her briefly and realized she was already looking at me.

I glanced down at my hands and started playing with them while waiting for Dev to choose a spot for us to sit in.

"Fuck" I mumbled to myself.

Someone grabbed my hands and I stood still.

"Li what's wrong?" Dev asked.

(A/N: Dev calls Ashley 'Li' and Ag calls Ashley 'Ash')

I looked up at her and got closer to whisper in her ear.

"Bitch Billie is looking at me, I'm dying! Choose a spot quickly in the back." I mumble slightly shaking.

Dev eyes widened and she stared at Billie briefly then she stared back at me.

"Hoe... Billie is glaring at me I don't like this let's go." Dev whispered yelled at me.

Wait a damn minute- wait a damn fucking minute! Did Dev said that Billie was glaring at her?! For what!

Dev grabbed my left hand and guide me to the back of the room. I sat in the desk that was close to the window still looking down to not make eye contact with anyone.

"Li look." Dev exclaimed as she nudge onto my arm.

I glanced at Dev and she motioned with her eyes towards somewhere and I look where she was indicating.


She's staring at me.

I looked at her in the eyes I don't know what it was but I couldn't look away. I was getting lost in her beautiful ocean eyes feeling like I'm walking on a icey endless path in the middle of the forest where coldness is the only thing that you can feel.

We made eye contact for what felt like 2 minutes until the teacher walk in. Making us brake eye contact. I looked back down at my hands and blushed feeling my cheeks and ears heating and probably bright red.

"Hello ladies and gentlemen, I'm Mr.G and I'm your English teacher for the school year. Welcome back to school and I hope we can work great together. Open up your books to page 5!!"

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