||brotherhood of the damned||

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Season 2 episode 11

"Haven't you found Finn yet? I must say for a witch of your caliber, Your spells are not particularly efficient."Klaus says to the sixteen year old witch.

"Finn is blocking my locator spell. So I'm trying something new, But I need to concentrate. It would help a lot if you would stop standing over me like a stalker."Davina says to him rudely.

"No need to be testy, love. We have have the same goal."Davina hears Klaus.

"Really? My goal is to get Kol out of your house alive. Seems to be about number ten on your list."Davina says to him as she gets the candles.

"Number nine, at least."

"What is wrong with you? He's your brother."

"Yes, and I also have a sister. One who I happen to care about more. So until he tells me where she is, Kol can rot as far as I'm concerned. And you might wanna get your villains straight,love. Finn is the architect of this fiasco. So pick up the pace, Find out where he is getting his power from so we can stop it now hurry!"Klaus says. Davina does chanting.

"I saw glimpses of him. He's combining sacred objects. Totems. Representational magic."


"The Lyonne tomb."Davina answers.

"And what's he's using?"Klaus asks her.

"He's channeling your parents."She says to him.

"And here I thought I was the poster child for least great full offspring. Well, then, shall you and I go crash their little party?"Klaus replies.

"Now who needs to pick up the pace?"She questions. Klaus passes out.

The three brothers passed out.


"You two?"Kol says as he sees the two brothers right in front of him.

"What is this?"Elijah says.

"It's a chambre de chasse. A hunt room. It's where witches bring their prey for mental target practice. Our bodies are in the real world laid in the floor whilst our minds are in here, represented by theses creepy animal heads."He says. As Klaus and Elijah give him a dead eye.

"Let me game a guess as to who's the author of this nightmare? Finn, show yourself!"Klaus yells. Klaus tries to choke him.

"Save your strength. In here I am untouchable. My magic, My rules. So make yourselves home. We're gonna be here for awhile."Finn says.


"Well, that's the last of them everyone out here is officially ring free."Manny says to them.

"And a better off."

"Easy for you to say. You're a hybrid. I'm back to turning every single full moon and if the wolves who are loyal to finn come back here, they're gonna rip right through us. So I gotta ask, when is the wedding?"Manny asks.

"Ten days. After that, Ophelia power is your power. The full moon won't control you anymore. Spread the word. Any wolf who wants to in need to be here to bear witness to the wedding."Brian answers.

"Yeah. I can do that. What are you guys gonna do?"He asks.

"We are going to meet a elder. We need a old school crescent wolf to conduct the wedding. Then there are the trails. Don't worry. We say a few paths do some trust falls."He says.

"Well good luck with that."

"Any idea where we can find the elder?"She asks him.

"Well, that depends. You got any interest in meeting my grandma? Well also jacks."He asks.

"Are we hiking to Baton Rouge?"

"Just a little bit further. You nervous?"He asks her as she looks down.

"I'm not nervous. Although I should be. She is your grandmother."Ophelia says to him as he chuckles.

"She usually likes the girls I bring home."He says.

"Oh, really? Exactly how many girls have you brought to meet her?"She says dramatically.

"No, I've never brought anyone to meet her I don't know about Jack. So you gotta make a good impression.She got no one crazy to compare you with."He says as we we're still walking.

"I am great with old people and babies. It's just in between that I suck at."She says. As a old lady's comes.

"Cute as all this is, Y'all are late."The old women says walking by to us.

"Grandma Mary. This is Ophelia."Brian says he kisses her cheek as she chuckles.

"Mary, it is so nice to meet you."She says to her nicely.

"You can turn off your old people charm now. The two of you are late and we need to get started."Mary says as we followed her.

"Right. Ahem. Yes, we have premarital rituals to attend to. Which are what, exactly?"She asks Grandma Mary nicely.

"Fasting, Purification,The rite of divulgement, to make a few."Grandma Mary says as she gulped.

"The rite of what?"

"Oh, it's simple. You speak the truth,He speaks the truth. Secrets are cleansed, everyone happy."Grandma Mary tells the both of them.

"What do you mean, 'secrets are cleansed'?"She asks her.

"The two alphas smoke the root of a blue calamus flower. It links your hearts and minds together. The ceremony won't take if there's lies separating you. This way there none. It's the most important ritual apart from the wedding ceremony itself. Hope you don't have to many skeletons. Heh heh."Grandma Mary tells them.

"I'm not doing that. I'm sorry, I can't."She says as she walks away.

"Ophelia! Ophelia! Ophelia! Wait."Brian yells as he runs up to her she stops.

"I can't do it."

"You're not the only one. Who has stuff they'd rather not talk about."Brian said to her as she looks down.

"Some of my secrets aren't mine to tell."She says being honest.

"Maybe a little honesty is a good thing."He says .

"Brian, I live with the original family. In that family, sometimes honestly can get you killed and I meant it."She tells him.

"We all have things we hope will never see the light of the day. You won't probably like what I have to say anymore than what you're holding back."Brain says to her.

"I wish that were true."

"Come back with me. We'll take it one step at a time and if anything makes you uncomfortable you tell me and we stop and when it comes time to open up, I'll go first. Because I don't run and I don't scare easily. Your secrets are my secrets. Your demons, my demons. And you will never have to fight alone. I promise you that. Please."He says to her as she nods yes.

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