Goodbye, Naru

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Oliver blinks dumbly, not recognizing the space around him at all.  Did Gene mention something about a spiritual plane, once?  But why would Oliver be summoned there?


He turns, and she's there.


Oliver Davis has been overworking himself recently.  Everyone around him knows it, hell, even he knows it– but something is stopping him from taking a break.  Read– his pride.  It's his pride stopping him from taking a break.  But there's always work to be done, and the young man refuses to rest when it really isn't something he needs a whole lot of. Unlike some people, his brain can function at full capacity even when he's tired.  Oliver lives and breathes his research, and contrary to popular belief, it actually does bring him some semblance of peace and happiness.  Just because other people can't see it, doesn't mean it isn't there.

But he has been running himself ragged.  Maybe he should have expected something like an intervention.

This intervention begins when Madoka barges into his office one day without preamble.  Oliver merely raises a brow at her presence.  She stomps her way over to his desk, a disarming and completely hideous smile on her face.

"Alright little man, it's time for you to take a break," the woman says in her high-pitched voice.  Oliver thinks if she's trying to seem sweet, she's failing miserably.  He tells her at such with his usual stoicism.  "Oh, don't be so grouchy!  Come on, up you get!  Off to bed, off to bed."  Madoka sets firm hands on his shoulders, and Oliver opts to go along with her antics only because he knows he has a stash of research papers to review hidden away in his quarters.  Might as well work on those, since she won't want me in the office for the rest of the day.

"You do realize it's midday, right Madoka?"  He questions, turning to glance back at his teacher over his shoulder.  She merely grins at him.

"Hm!"  She chirps, still ushering him along at a fast pace.  Oliver frowns when he realizes they've passed his room already.  "That's why you'll be taking tomorrow off, too, if you keep arguing with me!"

Oliver sighs but hastens his pace so he's no longer being pushed by Madoka.  She grins at him, silently proclaiming her victory as they continue through the complex.

He levels her with a glare that could kill when she deposits him in Lin's quarters, of all places.

"Have a restful night~!  I'll swing by with Lin in the morning to make sure you've actually slept, Noll," Madoka chides lightly, spinning on her heel.  He watches her wave at him over her shoulder before swinging the door closed on quiet hinges after she leaves.  Oliver has no doubt that the woman probably locked the door behind her, so he doesn't even try to escape.

That all happened... a bit fast.

Oliver sighs again, allowing a quiet groan to slip from his lips now that he's finally alone.  The man unbuttons the sleeves to his long-sleeved shirt and rolls them up almost to his elbows, allowing his skin to breathe.  He also takes the liberty to loosen his collar and glance around.

Lin's space is as neat as ever, and Oliver is used to the man's quiet presence in his life.  The room reflects him perfectly, down to the colors that decorate it. While they were in Japan, the most he'd call their relationship would have been a charge and his bodyguard.  Now, however... he could say they've grown closer.  Maybe even to friend status.

Not in a conventional way, though.

Oliver makes himself comfortable lying on his back on the bed, staring up at the ceiling while his thoughts battle for dominance inside his head.  An important idea will pop into his brain but then be pushed aside for another.  He allows his thoughts to wander.  Fatigue from the last few weeks settling into his bones, reminding him of his humanity.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2021 ⏰

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