A Crush

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In this story, Peter Parker is 19 years old and has graduated from high school. He is a full time Avenger but still in Tony's "Training Wheels Protocol," and Tony is not dating Pepper.

Now that Peter is an adult, he sees Mr. Stark in a way he didn't see him before. He feels attracted to him. He has even begun to have inappropriate dreams about Mr. Stark now, and it makes him feel a bit strange.

He never considered having sex with men before turning 18, but now he fantasizes about it constantly. He's never really questioned his sexuality at all until now, and he's not quite sure what to make of it. He knows he needs to talk to someone about it, but he's not sure who he can trust or even if anyone will understand him.

With Peter working so close to Tony, it makes him kind of jumpy whenever he touches him on the arm unexpectedly or comes up behind him unannounced. He usually plays it off as nothing, but he can tell that it makes Tony suspicious.

He was starting to worry that maybe Tony knew something he didn't. Stark is usually working on a new and better Iron Man suit and doesn't really need Parker's help, but he keeps bringing him food and checking in on him. That's all he does because Tony likes to be alone.

"Would you like another cup of coffee, Mr. Stark? I could bring you something else if you need it." He asked as he came downstairs for the fifth time.

"No thank you, Peter," Tony said while not even looking away from his "work," which mostly consists of Friday assembling parts and pieces that he tells her to. Parker told him that he needed some time away from the city.

Peter loves Queens, but he just wants to take a small break from being Spider-Man. Normally, Tony would have no problem with letting him be his stand-in assistant, but he was working himself too hard. He insisted that Parker take some time off to rest and relax, but he wouldn't hear any of it.

After a few minutes, he decides that he should get some coffee, and decides to get it himself so he can stretch his legs too.

After coming back upstairs, he saw Parker in the kitchen, brewing another pot of coffee. He must have known he'd want some anyway. "Hey, I'll get it." Peter jumped, startled by Mr. Stark suddenly standing behind him, causing him to drop the coffee pot on the ground and shatter it into pieces, spilling coffee everywhere.

"I am so sorry, Mr. Stark. I didn't mean to. I'll clean it up." Peter began to frantically pick up the pieces of broken glass scattered across the floor.

"You know, for Spider-Man, you startle easily. What happened to having Spidey senses?" Tony stooped down and carefully grabbed Peter's hands. "Be careful. You might have super healing, but that's still broken glass. Here, let me help you with that." After helping him pick up the large pieces, he got up before throwing them away. "Meet me in my office when you're done. We need to talk."

A million different thoughts were running through Peter's head, but he nodded his head and proceeded to finish cleaning without saying a word. He felt awful for breaking the coffee pot. Is Mr. Stark about to fire me for being on edge around him all the time? No, Peter, that's such a silly thing to be fired for. He thought to himself as he cleaned up the mess. What if he found out that I like him? What would he say?

Peter lingered outside Tony's office after cleaning up. He nervously played with his hands before hesitantly knocking on the door. "Uhm, Mr. Stark."

Tony got up and opened the door. "You could've just come in." Peter could barely get any words out and stepped into the room with a sheepish expression on his face. Tony took a seat at his desk before looking at Peter as he stood there awkwardly. "You can sit down, Peter." He's acting weirder than usual. He sat down and rubbed his hands together nervously as his stomach filled with anxiety.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2022 ⏰

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