9 1 4

8 years ago

"hey.. don't worry, alright?" yoongi held a tissue to taehyung's face as he cried his heart out, tears a never ending stream. the older boy hated seeing his best friend so broken, so sad and so hurt. he wished he could take his pain away, to have it for himself so that taehyung was happy. but that just wasn't possible, so the next best thing that came to mind was to make him as happy as possible.

"it's gone!!" he balled his eyes out harder, his loud sobs filling the tree house. yoongi could have broken down right then and there, but he had to keep composure, for if he started crying, they would be a mess the entire day. "taehyung.. things will get better, i promise." the sobs turned into cries and the cries turned into sniffles, both boys finally seeing an end to the breakdown. "promise?" taehyung asked again, holding out his pinky for yoongi to link his own with his. it was stupid for a 15 year old boy to connect pinkies with a 12 year old, but he did so anyways, because that 12 year old is, and always will be, his best friend.

"i'm promise." they both smiled as their pinkies fell together, heads resting on one another as taehyung's small sniffles fill the daylight quietness, along with the occasional car passing or bird chirping.


many hours, and many chocolate bars later, the boys climbed down from the tree house. the tree rested in the back of taehyung's home, his backyard big enough to put large amounts of land between the tree house and his actual house, which he appreciated. yoongi made small conversation as the two walked up to taehyung's back door, yelling and crashing objects entering their ears the second their feet landed on the the porch.

"they keep yelling." yoongi sighed, his hand traveling over to taehyung's back as he drew circles on it, a small thing he did when either of them felt anxious or sad. "they just got divorced, things are going to be tricky for awhile. i'm sorry, taehyung." he tried to explain without causing his friend to cry again, and succeeded greatly. "yeah, of course." taehyung breathed out, letting his head fall into yoongi's shoulder.

the pair stood in the tall grass just inches away from the cement porch, fingers interlocked while they watched shadows of different objects fly across the large window, the curtain blocking out any real scenes they could witness. yoongi had it when he heard taehyung's mother say something nobody should ever say, to anybody, in any situation. "alright. let's go." he deadpanned, and with a swift motion, the boys are on their way to the tree house, minds set on playing a messed up game of cards, even though they knew the real rules now.

tell me why i have covid🤨 tf

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