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Chapter nine: Farewell

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If only you knew
the way i look
at you

When you have your
back to me

I smile wider than
the sky

because i love you




Luna made a sound like a dying animal, the noise debilitating Taehyung long enough for her to rip his bow from his hand before he'd realized it.

She made it across the camp, no doubt intending to massacre Seokjin by herself, when he caught her from behind and drove her into the dirt.

Never mind that she hadn't fully learned to shoot yet; she writhed and wailed for him to let her go. The sound splintered through Taehyung.

She wasn't thinking straight. Going on a killing rampage would serve no purpose except to get her head chopped off.

"Stop!" he yelled, clasping the sides of her face. "Listen to me!"

She wrestled against him.

"Look at me," he said. "Shhh. All I need you to do is look at me. That's all. Just look."

After a few moments, she gave up and focused on him.

"Good girl," he said, arriving at a few conclusions.

The king had commandeered her sister, but he hadn't hurt the girl yet. Though he would if Taehyung didn't show himself at the palace tomorrow. The threat on her sister was insurance, a tool to ensure Luna did as instructed.

Taehyung assured her of this in as soothing a voice as he could. When she stopped gasping and her skin tone returned to its normal shade, he took her sister's bracelet and wound it gently around her wrist. Then he helped her up and led her to the fire pit. She stared ahead at a lichen-covered tree, using the corded rope decorating the waist of her gown to tie endless knots, a maddened expression on her face.

Behind her shock, Taehyung saw underlying determination, the look of someone about to commit a disturbing amount of violence.

It made him wince. Luna—Lady Luna—needed to learn to contain that fire of hers. That fire that so often turned his brain into mashed potatoes and sent his knees dropping into his ankles.

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