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Warning!! This part has mature content. Reader discretion is adviced.

The two boys followed Yukio back to the classroom. Rin worried the entire walk back. Has Yukio really seen them kiss? He couldn't make up what his brother was thinking. Shima had averted his eyes from both Rin and Yukio and was smiling as he looked around. Rin couldn't make up what he was thinking.

There was an awkward tension surrounding them. He was sure Shima was concerned as well in his own way. Rin decided to lighten up the situation. "Oi Yukio, you should totally get that door fixed or other people might get trapped too."

Yukio adjusted his glasses. "I have updated headmaster Mephisto on the matter."

That was quite vague. Rin glanced at Shima. The alcohol was wearing off quickly and reality was sinking in. He had his first kiss with another guy. At least he could use the excuse of being drunk and reckless. Even pretend he didn't remember it. Shima was intoxicated too but it didn't seem to affect him that much. If Yukio haven't shown up, what would have happened? Rin already knew the answer.

"Did you really need to report that to the headmaster? I could have brought girls over there." Shima complained.

Wait, what? Girls? After he had just kissed Rin?

"The storage room is not a smooching area." Yukio said coldly.

The two boys immediately knew Yukio had seen at least something. Rin panicked. "Smooching!?" He got flustered. "Did you-" before Rin could finish his question, Yukio interrupted him. "It's none of my business and it doesn't concern me either. Just do it after school hours."

Rin broke out in a nervous sweat. He pulled his collar to loosen it, letting the cold air in.

"Do what after school hours? Haha, nothing happened." Shima replied with a smile.

Rin couldn't believe what he's hearing. Shima was denying it completely!

"Very well. Now that's been cleared, you both can attend your next class. Don't forget to go to detention afterwards." Yukio stopped and opened the door to madam Angeline's classroom.

"Detention!?" Rin shouted, finding it unfair.

"You've found the lost boys. Splendid! Take your seat. You, Rin, can continue reading from the Holy Scripture at page 135." Madam Angeline stated with a stern look on her face. The cat on her shoulder mew'd.

Rin groaned in misery. Scriptures was too boring. Both him and Shima went back to their seat.

"You're back." Konekomaru greeted Shima with a slight smile on his face.

"I wasn't away for that long. Was I missed by the girls? Did they ask for me?" He replied with a smirk as he glanced at Izumo and Shiemi, the only girls in his class.

It made Konekomaru chuckle. "Always joking around."

"Huuuuuh? Joking around?" Shima raised an eyebrow in confusion.

Bon got agitated. "Can you two be more quiet, I'm trying to pay attention to class." He whispered at them angrily between his teeth.

"Sorry Bon." Konekomaru apologized. "So where were you?" Konekomaru asked Shima concerned as quiet as possible.

"I got locked in the storage room because of Rin." He anwered honestly.

Bon could still hear them talk. But hearing of Rin's stupidity, he decided to join the conversation. "That idiot did what? On purpose?"

Behind locked doors - Rin x Shima [one shot]Where stories live. Discover now