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Chapter 13

We got to the pond and all sat down on the picnic blanket Carson provided. There was a whole picnic basket filled with sandwiches, fruits and cookies. He also made some pink lemonade, and brought red solo cups.

"Damn Lisa, you got a nice boyfriend over here." Matt said.

I laughed and looked at Carson, who was also looking at me. We smiled at each other.

"I do, don't I?" I smiled.

Carson blushed as he was getting out the plates and utensils.

Stevie was just sitting there, I could tell she was kind of nervous.

"Stevie, would you like some lemonade?" I asked her, trying to get some life out of her.

"Yes!" She said. Her cheeks were rosy, it made her look so pretty.

Carson gave everyone a plate and put a turkey sandwich on each of them.

Lemonade was poured, fruit and cookies were on a plate in the middle of us, and we were all set. Time to get Matt and Stevie together.

"Stevie, you look very nice today." I said.

She was sipping her lemonade and looked at me dead in the eyes. She put her cup down and swallowed the sweet lemony drink. Then she cleared her throat, looking at the ground.

"Thank you, Lisa." She said, kind of annoyed.

Carson looked over at Matt and raised his eyebrows at him.

"Yeah, I agree with Lisa, Stevie you look really nice! That color really suits you." Matt said.

Stevie had on a black and grey striped tee shirt.

Carson and I both looked at each other. It was so obvious to the both of us that Matt and Stevie found each other attractive. We just didn't know what to do and how to make it not awkward for them.

We were all eating silently at the moment.

I watched as Stevie and Matt both took a bite of their sandwiches.

I then looked over at Carson, and he looked at me. Then Carson spoke up and cut right to the chase.

"Matt, you're still single right?" Carson asked him.

Matt almost choked on his food and Stevie's eyes got wide and she looked at me.

"Christ Carson. Yes, I am. You know this. Julie and I broke up months ago." He sounded annoyed.

Julie was his ex girlfriend.

Carson looked at Stevie and smirked.

Matt looked at me, then Carson and then he slowly turned to Stevie.

"Um, yeah. Julie was my girlfriend from Australia. We broke up a couple months ago, but I've been great without her. To be honest, she wasn't the best. But, I'm glad to be done with her. End of story." Matt said, mostly looking at Stevie.

He took a bite of his sandwich.

I smiled a bit, then took a bite of my own.

"I'm sorry she wasn't the best Matt." Stevie said.

Matt quickly looked at Stevie.

He gave her a little smile.

"Thanks Stevie." He turned a bit red.

He likes her so much. It's so noticeable. He doesn't even try to hide it.

"Any breakups with you ?" He asked her.

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