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*3rd POV*

Bts had just arrived at their main base and Got7 and Monsta x are already there waiting for them. When Bts got out of their car they were bombarded by questions from the other 2 mafia groups.

"What the hell is going on"

"What do you mean that the documents might be fake"

"Are you saying that we could have most definitely destroyed the best thing that's ever gonna happen to us for nothing"

"Wait guys please calm down", Namjoon yelled after being overwhelmed by the amount of questions that he was getting all at once.

"Ok to answer your guy's questions, I think the documents are fake because I'm 99% sure that the video is fake", Namjoon continued.

"Well how the hell do you know the video is fake", kihyun asked. "Well when we were at the venue we were talking to jungkook's worst enemy, Sarah, and she basically showed us a picture of the dude in the video and said he has been dead for 4 years", yoongi explained quickly.

"Ok, so are we gonna hack the documents to find out", Jackson asked. "Yeah",Hoseok answered.

Hoseok, Jackson, and minhyuk all got out their laptops and started to hack the documents.

(10 minutes later)

"GOT IT", Hoseok, Minhyuk, and Jackson yelled at the same time. The other boys quickly rushed over to them to find out what they found.

"So? Are the documents fake", yugyeom asked with a little hope in his voice. He had been hoping that they didn't really betray them.

"Yes", Jackson said with ready eyes. Everyone except the 3 hackers gasped.

"How could we believe their FATHER over them?", jooheon asked with tears streaming down his face. "We said a bunch of hurtful things to them, there is no chance that we could ever get them back", bam bam said before breaking down into sobs along with the other mafia leaders.

'We fucked up, we fucked bad', they all thought.

(Back with the 'triple j squad')

(Next morning)

*jaebum POV*

We are all sitting in jungkook's office doing files, jihyun and me have our own offices that are just as big but we choose to stay together because it's makes us comfortable.

I was finishing up with one of my files when Jungkook called mine and jihyun's name.

"Jaebum and jihyun", Jungkook said. "Yeah what's up", jihyun replied back. While I just looked up and nodded for him to continue.

"We just got an offer to open up another company in LA", Jungkook said. "WHAT?!? That's awesome, let's do it", I said. I have always wanted to got to LA, but I've just never had the time to do it.

"It sounds like a great idea, how long will we be there to oversee it", jihyun asked. "3 months and 2 weeks", Jungkook said.

"Ok well when do we leave", I asked Jungkook. "We are supposed to be there in 4 days, but if we leave now, we can go shopping and do tourist things", Jungkook said.

"Ok, so why the hell are we still sitting here? Let's goooooo", jihyun yelled making me and Jungkook laugh.

*3rd POV*

The 'triple j squad all made their way out of their company building and towards their cars.

When they got in their cars they went straight home to pack. After they packed they went and got on their private jet and left to go to LA for the next 3 1/2 months.

(Back with the mafia leaders)

*3rd POV*

They had all just woken up in the warehouse still, with dried tears on their faces and now they were heading over to the 'triple j squad' company to beg for them back.

They arrived at the company within 45 minutes. When they got out of their suv, they all walked in and went to the receptionist.

"Hello how may I help you all today", the receptionist asked. "Hello, my name in Kim seokjin. We are all here looking for jeon Jungkook, jeon jaebum, and jeon jihyun.", Jin said to the receptionist.

"Oh dear, I am so sorry. You just missed them", the receptionist said with a small smile.

"Well do you know when they will be back", jinyoung asked anxiously. "Yes as a matter fact I do. Just lemme check this calendar", the receptionist said. The lady types in her computer for almost 5 minutes before she told them a answer that shattered their hearts.

"They will be back in 3 1/2 months", she said with a smile. The 3 mafia groups were all heartbroken. They would have to wait 3 1/2 months to get the loves of their lives back.

"Umm thank you", Chang- kyun said with a small smile. The 3 mafia leaders all walked out of the building with ready eyes and broken hearts.

"W-what do w-we d-do now", Jimin asked while crying quietly. "We w-wait", mark said.

"I-I don't want to wait though, I just want my baby back", youngjae said breaking down into sobs. Yugyeom rubbed his back and took him back to the suv.

"Umm well, we're gonna go home and get some rest", shownu said. "Yeah we'll see you guys soon", hyungwon added before Monsta c walked off towards their suv and left.

"Ok guys well we will keep in touch, bye", Hoseok said while walking back towards his suv with the rest of Bts following him, then they all left.

Eventually Got7 all left and went home as well. The only thing on their mind being 'I'll wait for you'.

What gonna happen next? 🥺


Hey guys, the boys finally know the truth, but now the 'triple j squad' are gone before the boys can apologize and win them back. Find out what happens next chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment ♥️

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