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                                                                              00. Prologue:

                                                                                                           : H I M

Do stay back after class, Mr. Kim; we are yet to talk through your attendance issues."

He stares at the last bench, jet black eyes narrowing at the Student's hunched figure. He is not quite visible to him from where he stands at his lectern.

Taehyung doesn't move from his place. Still hunched. Hovering over the pages of his opened book, dark bangs falling into his well hidden eyes.

He goes back to his attendance register.

When Taehyung looks up at him probably feeling his gaze fall onto him it's about the end of their today's class and the rest of the students gather their books and get ready to leave.

The echoing sound of his, "See you in next class" buzzes throughout the room.

As always Taehyung is the last one to leave.



He doesn't answer Taehyung right away, just slowly walking up to his desk and plopping himself flat on the floor in front of it; kneeling on the hard surface.

Jeongguk can see the way he tenses up at the sound of his footsteps, tugging at his white sleeves, folded up to his elbows.

After a glimpse of those protruding veins and then the un-tucked sleeves fall over his hands. Shaky long fingers hastily trying to work the buttons done.

Jeongguk tears his eyes away.

Don't Jeon--just fucking don't
God- Damn...it.

"You wanted to talk about it Mr. Jeon?"

'Yes, hell to the fuckin yes I want to' He wants to scream at Taehyung when his voice strokes him out of his reverie.

As always it is low-- his voice; raspy and deep with those irregular breaths; sleepy or tired?

Jeongguk almost reaches over the tiny desk to hold his fingers, to trace his own on those wide palms.

Why won't you look at me, why, why, why....

But Jeon Jeongguk, twenty four, youngest recruited lecturer present in their educational institution isn't supposed to do that; to want that.

'A teacher'

Or become irritated at a student's ever so down casted gorgeous eyes.

'And a student'

He knows they are gorgeous; cause Jeongguk had seen those eyes from up close, counted the all those damned lashes at every chance he got, caught the droplets of rain that touched those lids and meandered below.

Below that Cupid's bow, a faint smatter of hair.

Someone younger, with whom he's only meant to impart knowledge and share ideas.

Just below that plush top lip.

Something pure that's only supposed to entail 'virtue and competence'.

The way the mole on his bottom lip pops out when it's tugged at, swollen red.


An almost, almost parental affection for naive curiosity filled minds that keeps going astray.

STOP! Just stop it--Jesus Christ Jeon.

"I'm sorry for the inconvenience, Sir" another labored breath "but it won't happen again." Taehyung's still looking at the desk, hard dark eyes and hands that tighten around his pen at Jeongguk's prolonged silence.







It's highly unprofessional.

But Does Jeongguk really care, because Taehyung is looking up, startled at the sound of his voice...
as if Jeongguk begging him with his eyes wasn't enough.

As if his voice dragged him out of whatever hellhole he has crawled into.

He recovers quicker than Jeongguk though. Brown irises turning coal black when they burn into Jeongguk's eyes.




His lips part open to let in a gush of shared oxygen and Jeongguk, maybe he shudders.

Taehyung raises his hand.

Jeongguk wants to lean in.

Easier said than done Jeon.

Coarse fingers ease into his scalp then, carding through the unruly magenta locks carefully, rubbing on his heated skin tenderly.

A thread here a tug there, brushes of clipped nails on the scuffed hair of his nape and... Jeongguk gives in, gives in to the hands and the fingers.

To the sparse and feather light exhale kissing his crown.

He is tired, melting at the touch and sighs, letting his head flop onto the wooden desk that separates them.

Aching knees digging into the ground.


He doesn't know how long he's been out; head stiff with the bones of his neck cracking at the slightest movement.

Numb body placed on a hard wooden chair, a flash of blue warmth on his chest.

He left his blazer.

But those hands are not there when he wakes up.

Jeongguk leaves the class with his mussed up hair, coated with comfort that smells faintly of blueberries and lemons.




Age - gap
(Aged up Jeon Jeongguk)


Explicit content




P.S: yESh aged up Jeon Jeongguk is definitely a kink

Fite mEh.

Started: 25.5.21


•DADDY-GGUK © 2021

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2021 ⏰

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