Planets of the Universe

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Stevie woke up naked on a table, wondering what had happened, had she been in accident, where was she?

Though the surface felt hard, she was comfortable. The cool metal dipped and cupped her curves as if it had formed around them. The air shifted over her bare skin at nearly her exact body temperature. Comfortable, perfectly cradled, and terrified.

Thin wires wrapped around her wrists and ankles, not biting, but restraining through some combination of warm energy and the steady blinking glow the filaments emitted. She twisted to watch the dance of light, pulled against the tethers that didn't give an inch.

Her thoughts wandered, drifting through a fog she guessed to be drug-induced. How had she ended up here? Where were her clothes? Where the hell was she? Was she dead, injured? 

She felt her panic rising, but her pulse remained steady, her breathing calm and slow. The drug again, or whatever had stolen her memory. It seemed she still suffered some effects. The last thing Stevie remembered was working her part time shift at the diner after a long day of studying, she was still finishing her final year of school and worked part time on the weekends, she recalled that much at least. 

She suddenly recalled another memory, she had been about to finish her shift when she had been sure she saw the guy from a youth event that she had felt some feelings for, Lindsey, she recalled his name, him being the last thing she saw. 

Oh my god, had had kidnapped her? 

She thought over him, those piercing blue eyes he had, the way his long fingers strummed his guitar that time she first met him, he seemed almost otherworldly though, ethereal.

She'd recalled her last night in her bed, squirming and imagining the things those fingers could do. Stevie had a vivid imagination. She had nursed the fantasy for a week, and it had left her burning to catch the man's attention but she hadn't seen him again until that day, now she regretted it, he obviously was behind this. 

She didn't remember drinking with him or anything though, she only recalled seeing him at the diner.

She couldn't explain her lack of attire or her body's weird calm despite the scrambling of her brain. Something seriously fucked up was going on.

She twisted again and scanned the room for anything recognizable. A mechanical arm folded over her head. The end dangled a cluster of filaments, not unlike those restraining her. It looked like a high-tech cat toy. As she watched, they lit up. They flashed, and a mechanism hummed to life beyond her field of vision. The arm moved, unfolding and dangling the electric threads over her face. It lowered, and Stevie tensed. She might have screamed if the drug hadn't distanced her thoughts from her body. Instead, she experienced the surge of fear but had no power to struggle or even call out.

The ends of the toy brushed at her cheek. Tiny, soft fingers of light and fiber stroked her skin. She felt the micro bursts from each tip, electric, but not unpleasant. The arm unfolded a fraction more, and the filaments squirmed over her jaw and down along her neck.

Little shocks tickled her, and her body reacted with pleasure. The neck had always been one of her favorite spots. Stevie leaned into the sensation and heard herself moan softly. She'd never felt anything like it.

The arm moved again, swinging the tentacles across her chest. They spread out and she held her breath. Waiting for the inevitable with only a shadow of fear behind her anticipation. It just felt good--too good for a mind already dulled by whatever gripped her. A filament brushed her left nipple. The shock amplified in her nervous system's response, and she groaned aloud. Her back arched. The cat toy shifted to focus on the spot, as if it caught her delight and sought to please her.

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