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Hi guys!

I hope you enjoy chapter 2!!

I want to say thank you so so much for all of the love on Chapter 1, it blew me away! I did not expect so much love so early, so thank you.

Also, the Vetis cover was made by @duplicitycherry on twitter. She's an angel, I am in love with it.

On that note, if you want to keep updated on Vetis and when it comes out follow me on twitter! It is @hrrysbluejeans :)

Vetis Harry also has a twitter (@vetisharry) and so does Francie (@vetisfrancie).

Again, thank you for all of the love angels. You mean the world.

Also, I have started to choose a song for each chapter! So the song for this chapter is Daft Pretty Boys by Bad Suns! So good honestly!

Lots of love, Kitty.

2 weeks later

"I'm not going Niall! I swear to god, if you put another dress on my bed I'll smack that smile right off your pretty face!" I yell from the living room, with scream playing in front of me, listening to hanger after hanger being placed on my bed.

"You're coming with me Francie! Whether you like it or not!" He screams back in a sing song fashion.

How on earth did I get myself in this situation?

Actually, scrap that. I do know.

Niall found out from his frat friends that a new club has opened across the street, right across from Un Bouquet De Violettes, and he said "you MUST come! you need to break free from the shackles of Hugo Frossard! And stop turning into my mother!"

Okay, maybe I have picked up Celine's smoking habits and her love for horror films, but it is harmless! Now I have a boyfriend I don't need to be out clubbing. I only went out before to get high and have a meaningless fuck.

"Oh. My. God." Niall's voice slows down. "If you wear this I might fuck you myself Francie, bloody hell." He exclaims, his voice lowering in tone.

My heart skips a beat at that sentence. I know Niall and I are the best of friends but there's no denying the flirting between us and I know we'd mesh well in bed. He knows me like the back of his hand, and vice versa. I know he thinks the same. I mean, look at me. Who wouldn't? Just neither of us have ever uttered the words. One day.

Niall comes skipping into the living room with a red velvet box in hand. God. I know exactly what dress is in there. I bought it for Hugo and I's second date but when I turned up he made me go home and change. Apparently, "your dresses should be tight enough to show you're a woman and loose enough to show you're a lady." Sometimes I think he just wants a show dog - to just look pretty and do what he says.

Understandably the dress hasn't been touched since. It is beautiful. A deep ruby red that wraps over the hip and is tight all over. It hugs me in all of the right places. I looked amazing when I wore it. But I can't, not tonight. Hugo will go crazy if he finds out I wore that especially to a club.

Men, am I right?

Niall holds the dress out in front of me smiling like a needy puppy. "Buttercup, c'mon, you know you'll look irresistible in it."

"I know I always do Niall." I wink, looking up at him from my film. "But it is too revealing, Hugo wouldn't feel comfortable with other men seeing me in it."

"That's why you don't wanna go isn't it? Because of him? Sometimes I wonder why you're even with him. And, he wouldn't need to worry about other men if he could fight." He scoffs.

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