Chapter Four

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Klaus now in New Jersey found Stefan. He was working in a bar. Klaus sat down on the stool at the bar. Stefan not looking up. " What can I get ya?" Stefan asks. "Whiskey. - on the rocks." Klaus spoke. That's when Stefan looked up. "Coming right up." Stefan went off to get Klaus's drink. Stefan brought Klaus's drink. And Klaus paid. " I'll wait here. - until we can talk." Klaus said. "I'm due a break soon. - we can talk then."  Stefan said. And went back to work. In Mystic Falls.... Delena went on a date to the grill. Where they saw Elijah and Kol. They decided to ignore them. And enjoy their date. Caroline and Bonnie came in. And went to a booth of their own. To left delena to themselves. They could always talk to them later. Kol couldn't take his eyes off Bonnie. While Elijah couldn't take his eyes off of Elena.

Stefan got on break. " What can I do for you? - why did you come and find me?" Stefan asks. "Isn't it obvious. - I am in love with you Stefan. - I want to be with you. - I need you in my life. - I want to be with you." Klaus spoke.  " I am in love with you too. - but I can't take getting hurt. - ok. - I don't want to get hurt. - as much as I want to be with you. - I've found someone else. - I'm sorry Klaus." Stefan went to walk away. Klaus stopped him. And kissed him. " Tell me. - tell me that you didn't feel fireworks? - tell me that and I'll walk away and I won't come near you again. - I'll give you my word." Klaus spoke. Stefan couldn't tell him that. Cause he felt fireworks. But he didn't want to hurt the guy he was with. Stefan turned on his heels and left. Klaus stood there. Heartbroken. He would leave New Jersey. And won't ever return. He would keep his word. He won't bother Stefan again.

Stefan went back to work. He couldn't get Klaus out of his mind. He knew he had to make a decision. But how could he dent his feelings for Klaus? He didn't want to. But what about Mike? His boyfriend. Mike new he was second best. He didn't care. Stefan made his choice. He went out to the car park. But Klaus was gone. He left. He left without a goodbye. Stefan knew he made the wrong decision by walking away and saying nothing.

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