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"I really don't want to go Taehee..I cannot leave him like this- I r-really can't." Mirae choked out of her sobs towards the older girl, who had been trying to convince her to go home and rest since she had spent 3 days straight in the hospital without a shower, or even proper food- living her life on an apple or a sandwich wasn't what Jeno ever wanted his girl to go through.

"Hey hey.. it's fine. You need to talk to him. He needs you." Taehee slightly pushed her inside the room- the room she utterly hated, the room that reminded her of that night where everything came crashing down.

Mirae heard a small sniffle and her heart ached at the site of the poor boy trying to hold in his tears.

She went towards him and softly took his face in her hands and stroked his cheeks with her thumb-pad. Subconsciously, the boy leaned further in her touch trying to believe that she was alive, right in front of him. On the other hand, his brother was right in front of him too but sadly not alive. Well, not fully alive- what medical researchers and practitioners like to call 'paralysis' or 'comatose'.

'The bullet was meant for me' was the only thought that ran through his mind every time he took a look at Mark's unmoving body- and however this didn't go unnoticed by Mirae so she softly kissed his worries away.. well at least tried to.

A part of Mirae, disgustingly to admit was happy that Jeno didn't die but another part of her and all of them shattered when they heard that Minhyung's mind wanted to wake up and so did his soul, but the body had given up- what doctors termed as 'paralysis'. Apparently, his body was taking its time to completely heal itself.

Jeno, who had not moved from his place- the wooden chair near the bed from which he stared at his 'once despised' brother who sacrificed his life for him complained about how reckless his act was and how he wished he could turn everything back to normal. How he could beg for forgiveness for all he ever did his entire life was to avoid and hate his own brother- his own blood.

"Have you eaten anything baby?" She asked wiping his tears away.

"N-no.." He couldn't recognise his own voice so he cleared his throat and spoke once more looking in the eyes of the one who brought light into his world of darkness.

"No did you?"
"Nah I think we should head home and change.. we can come back tomorrow. Plus Mark needs a bit of rest from your constant rants don't you think so NoJam?"

He smiled lightly but nodded anyways.

Her words were cut short when the doctor entered the room for Mark's regular check ups and scanned his vitals.

However they were definitely not ready when the doctor surprisingly called everyone in the room and the news that they were about to get.


• I have injured my wrist bone somehow
• I almost lost my dad yesterday due to COVID-19
• I feel like a depressed potato
• I might have COVID as well

*insert haechan's*:-
~life couldn't get betterrrr~

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