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Avery's POV:

I woke up quite early today, 5:37 A.M on a Saturday.

"3 more days til school starts, still no letter." I thought as i got out of bed.

I went to my closet, and grabbed the Daily Prophet newsletter I kept ever since I was 7, the newsletter announcing my birth.

Amelia Verlice and Henry Verlice, the happy parents of their second child, Avery Kate Verlice!

I read it over and over again, til a barn owl came flying through my open window.

"Hmm, thanks!" I said as I opened the letter, and I almost screamed out of delight. 

"Stay here!" I said to the owl as I left the room.

"MOM! DAD!" I yelled running down the hall to their bedroom.

"MOM DAD!" I said as I barged into their bedroom and started jumping on their bed.

"Oh my god!" My mom, Queen Amelia, exclaimed as she quickly put her hair into a ponytail.

"What the hell." My dad, King Henry, said confused.

"I GOT MY LETTER TO HOG-" I was cut off by my younger sister, Princess Jane, and my older brother, Prince Edward, barging into my parents room.

"Really Avery?! It's 5:42 A.M!" Jane said angrily, as she rolled her eyes

"As I was saying, I GOT MY ACCEPTANCE LETTER TO HOGWARTS!" I yelled happily dancing on their bed.

"Congratulations dear! How about later on today, we all go to get supplies!" My dad said hugging me.

"YES!" I said happily as I jumped around the bed.

"Alright! No need to break us!" My mom said laughing at me.

"I'm going to go get dressed!" I said as I rushed out of their bedroom to my bedroom.

I went to my closet, and decided to wear a blue dress, with daisy's on them, and some white pumps to go with them, and white earrings to go with the outfit.

Then I went to brush my teeth, and brush my hair, deciding to put it down.

Once I was finished, it was 6:07 A.M, and I ran downstairs to see my putting pancakes on the kitchen, my dad reading the daily prophet, Jane was reading a book, and Edward was sending a letter to someone, most like the Weasley twins and Lee Jordan, his best friends.

"Hello again!" I said smiling sitting next to my dad.

"Hello dear, when would you like to go to Diagon Alley?" My father asked putting down the Daily Prophet.

"After breakfast!" I said smiling as Edward and Jane came running towards the table.

"Food!" Jane said as she grabbed 2 pancakes and started eating, while Edward grabbed 1, staring at Jane weirdly.

"Thank you mom!" I said as I grabbed one pancake.

"No problem dear." Mom said as she sat next to my dad and we all started eating.

∞ ϟ 9¾ ♔ ⚯͛ △⃒⃘ ➵ ♆

"Okay dear, just yell Diagon Alley, make sure your voice is clear." My mom said handing me some floo powder as I stepped into the fireplace.

"DIAGON ALLEY!" I yelled as I threw the floo powder, and transported to Diagon Alley. I felt like I was about to throw up, not helping that I ate 2 pancakes, so I put a hand over my mouth just in case I threw up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2022 ⏰

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