[Chapter 5]

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"I'd rather you keep this matter between us," Ryuzo told you, his royal purple eyes peering into your vibrant E/C ones. His voice was a little deeper, and you could feel his warm breath. "Do not tell anyone about Auditorium II, or the piano."

Your heart beat so quickly, it felt like it could've beaten out of your chest. He towered over you and held you so close you could smell the scent of coffee on his breath. Until finally, you nodded. He smirked and walked into the room in which your class was being held.

A little confused, you looked up at the classroom's nameplate. Above the gate frame, on a shiny, metallic plate, it displayed: "Advanced Japanese Language & Literature" in bold, black font. Followed by "Room C104" written below it.

No way. No way in hell could he have been a student here. Similar to Hiro, he didn't appear old enough to be a professor here, but he definitely wasn't young enough to be a student. But then again, he wasn't wearing the school's uniform.

After a moment, you followed after him, to walk into a classroom full of students. No one you recognized was in your class; no Cho-Hee, nor any Chiyo. What made the situation more awkward is that everyone's attention seemed to be fixated on you; Particularly since you had appeared late. And the atmosphere seemed almost...


You thought, your eyes looking down at the ground. You had a strange gut feeling. Back at your old school, no one really cared if anyone arrived late. Most of the students and teachers would understand if someone was late. Especially on the first day, since it'd be easy to get lost in a new environment. 

And if a student was new, others would embrace them. Similar to how Chiyo and Cho-Hee had done with you.

In other scenarios, the other students wouldn't care too much about another student's situation, unless of course, they were friends. On other days, students would face consequences for late arrivals and everyone would move on.

But as you looked around the room, your eyes scanning the students one by one, you began to feel disheartened. The looks some females held were... animosity. But a majority of the boys didn't seem to care too much.

Your attention turned to Ryuzo, who cleared his throat. As everyone got situated, the sounds of shuffling papers, supplies, and whispers filled the room. That's when you noticed everyone sat in the second half of the room; in the lecture hall side. That made sense.

Everyone also seemed to have "groups" of friends, which wasn't surprising. All of the members of a certain group seemed to have some physical or behavioral feature in common. It was the same everywhere; at every school. And the primary thing each group had in common was the unwelcoming, and tight atmosphere around each of them. Except for a few students at the back of the classroom, who sat alone.

MONOMANIA [Yandere Teachers x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now